Untitled Part 36

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A/N : This one is written a little differently than my usual fics. Let me know what you think! Another note : there is nO ticklish!Iwa content out there and I am s a l t y so I'm making my own. Enjoy!

Fandom : Haikyuu

Characters : Iwaizumi/Oikawa

Summary : There are a lot of things about Iwaizumi that nobody knows. Nobody except Oikawa, who may know one of the cutest things there is to know about his boyfriend.


Nobody know about Hajime Iwaizumi's habit of scratching his wrists when he's stressed before a game. Nobody knows about the cat that visits his doorstep every night, or the way he looks when he smiles at the sight of his teammates or the way he thrives off of praise or the breathy way he chuckles when he hears something funny. Nobody knows about the time in middle school when he broke his arm skateboarding or the time he went to the ER for stitches in grade school because he wanted to surprise his mom and dad with breakfast.

Nobody knows about these things, of course, except for Tooru Oikawa. Oikawa knows many things about Iwaizumi. He knows a hundred secrets that Iwaizumi himself barely knows, like his dog's half-birthday and the day his cousin got married. He knows that Iwaizumi likes to hum when he's working and that his bedroom is anything but organized, that he had braces for six years and that his favourite flowers are orchids. Tooru Oikawa knows these things, not because he's exceptionally curious ( though he is ), but instead because Iwaizumi is an open book when he's comfortable enough. He's so open, in fact, that even someone like Oikawa could notice his mannerisms and habits.

Some habits are more intimate than others, like his habit of hugging pillows when he sleeps or that he enjoys having Oikawa write things on his palms and have him try to guess them.

"I like volleyball?" Iwaizumi guesses, his fingers twitching as Oikawa presses his finger lightly into his palm to end the sentence. Oikawa hums affirmatively and gently rubs away the tingly words to write others.

Iwaizumi sighs softly in content, sinking into the couch and closing his eyes again. These moments with Oikawa are peaceful and tranquil. He knows his boyfriend loves quiet Saturday mornings like these and so he allows him to begin writing another word, this time longer and quicker, more confusing.

"That's too long," he mumbles, his voice quivering lightly at the gentle touch on his outstretched palm. Oikawa snickers in amusement, enjoying the flustered reaction Iwaizumi gives when he scratches his blunt nails ever so gently along the crease of his palm.

"Be quiet and pay attention," he says, continuing to scratch his nails along Iwaizumi's palm in no particular order at all. Iwaizumi giggles, his nose scrunching up lightly as he tugs his hand out of Oikawa's grip, but before he can do anything Oikawa is pushing him back into the couch and settling his weight on his thighs and Iwaizumi feels his stomach flip.

"Tooru," he warns, but Oikawa isn't listening. There's a stupid grin on his face and even as Iwaizumi hisses not to touch him he knows how much Iwaizumi likes being tickled.

Oikawa's fingers drill into Iwaizumi's hips and the spiker whines, giggles bubbling at his lips as he tries to squirm out from under his boyfriend's cruel fingers and even though he knows Oikawa won't give in he still tries, because it's just so unbearable, but he knows how much his boyfriend adores his laugh and seeing him so helpless and he's not getting out of this any time soon.

"St-Stoohohohop," Iwaizumi says, his voice trembling and crackling with giggles as he squirms and kicks in Oikawa's hold but Oikawa doesn't let go, and instead he crawls his fingers across to the hem of his boyfriend's shirt and pushes it up, revealing the muscle Iwaizumi has put in so much work to gain, and he wiggles his fingers across the quivering surface of Iwaizumi's belly and the spiker's laughter rises.

"Are you ticklish, Iwa-chan?" Comes Oikawa's voice, and Iwaizumi cringes because he knows how good Oikawa is at cracking him this way, and he bucks his hips lightly in a weak attempt to throw Oikawa off-track, but it doesn't work and instead his boyfriend tickles him with new energy and makes him snort, throwing his head back and pressing one hand over his mouth while pushing at Oikawa's hands with the other. "Is our big, scary spiker so ticklish that his boyfriend can make him giggle just by doing something so silly as this?"

The only response Oikawa gets is a muffled curse from Iwaizumi, and he shakes his head and huffs in amusement as he crawls his fingers to his boyfriend's exposed ribs, and Iwaizumi cackles, arching his back as his half-suppressed laughter comes back full swing and he drops his other hand to defend himself too.

"TohohooruhUHU!" Iwaizumi begs, his face reddening as he kicks and squirms and does absolutely everything he can think of to get his damn boyfriend off but it's not working and Oikawa just snickers and Iwaizumi feels his heart flutter because that's what happens when Oikawa tickles him.

Iwaizumi suddenly shrieks as Oikawa's fingers suddenly dart to his thighs and curl, scratching and clawing at the skin light enough not to be painful but hard enough to be the most ticklish thing he had ever felt. Oikawa seems to relish in the sound and his smile widens into a Cheshire grin as he scratches at the sensitive flesh and Iwaizumi can almost feel his sanity slipping away as he bucks and squirms and kicks and wails but Oikawa just won't stop.

"GYAAHAHAHA!" He cries, feeling his eyes sting though they're squeezed shut, and he bucks aggressively and Oikawa lets out a surprised yelp as he's jerked forward and he has to stop tickling to keep his balance and not fall right onto Iwaizumi, but he gets awful close and as Iwaizumi's laboured breath warms his skin he can't help but lean down and press his mouth to his panting boyfriend's and after a moment they're both lost in each other.

After a long moment Oikawa pulls away with a small 'pop' and Iwaizumi gasps softly, his eyes meeting his boyfriend's, and Oikawa simply grins.

Oikawa knows a lot of things about Iwaizumi, but this might just be his favourite.

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