Games ( Avatar : The Last Airbender )

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// :00 a new fandom?? I started watching ATLA ( finally ) and the urge was s t r o n g so of course I made a self insert character and immediately paired him with Zuko- this is a bit of a different fic so let me know if you wanna see more of Shoyo!

Summary : It's a hot day for the Fire Nation, and Zuko is fed up with Shoyo's antics. He decides to employ a small tactic he learned from when they were kids.

Characters : Shoyo Hiroyama ( OC ),  Zuko

* Written from no specific perspective.


It was a calm day out on the water. Waves licked at the hull of the Fire Navy ship, and many of its crew were out on deck to enjoy the good weather as best they could.

One couple remained inside, however; seated across from each other at a small table sat two young firebenders, neither one fully focused on the board game Iroh had set out for them to play. The pieces lay discarded on the table, some spilling over onto the floor.

"I'm bored," Shoyo declared loudly, hitting his hand against the table and sending the remaining pieces flying. Zuko, ducking to avoid being hit in the face with one of the wooden chips, rolled his eyes, moving slowly to collect his fallen pieces.

"Uncle said we should at least try," the young prince said, though he knew that Shoyo grew easily restless and they had been trying to figure out this game for nearly forty minutes.

"We tried!" Shoyo protested, his voice pitching upwards into something akin to a whine. Zuko simply sighed, knowing he couldn't convince the other to continue despite his best efforts, and instead motioned for Shoyo to pick up his game pieces and help him clean up.

After several moments of silence, broken only by Shoyo's shuffling about to pick up his fallen pieces and Zuko's occasional grunt as he slid the game board into its assigned slot on the wall, Shoyo spoke up again. "What should we do now?"

"We could practice firebending outside," Zuko suggested.

"It's too hot!"


"Even worse!"

Zuko emitted an exasperated sigh, rubbing his temples. Shoyo really could be a headache at times, especially on days like this where it was too hot to sit around and be lazy and too hot to do anything else. Shoyo's favourite days were rainy and cold, because he could sleep for days and not have to get up other than having to piss or getting a snack.

"What do you want to do?" Zuko asked, trying to keep his patience. "You choose. Every idea I have you seem to shoot down."

"Well..." Shoyo trailed off, and Zuko huffed, slightly amused by Shoyo's obvious lack of foresight.

"Nothing, huh? You really do test my patience some days, Sho."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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