I Licked It (Detroit:Become Human)

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"I licked it," Connor announced, standing up from where an android, apparently the victim of an abusive owner, lay dead on the ground. Blue blood dripped from his fingers.

Hank turned his head, eyes narrowed. "Connor. What have I told you about putting the damn evidence in your mouth!"

Connor shrugged, feeling slightly mischievious for a reason he couldn't understand. "It was the quickest way to analyze, Lieutenant." He narrowed his eyes playfully, grinning. "And you, Hank, could not stop me."

Hank growled, his eyes flashing. "Get over here."

Connor had the sudden urge to run for his life, like a harsh twinge in his stomach.

So that's what he did.

Connor jumped to his feet and sprinted down the hallway of the house they were investigating. Hank's heavy footfalls behind him notified him of the Lieutenant's pursuit, and Connor couldn't help giggling a little as he ran.

Suddenly Hank's arms were around his stomach and Connor was being pulled back against the Lieutenant's chest. Nimble fingers met the android's sides and Connor squealed, bursting into a loud fit of laughter.

"HahahahAHAHAHAHANK! Wehehehe're ohohon ahahahaha cahahahahase!" Whined Connor, trying to squirm free. Hank gripped the boy tighter and though Connor couldn't see the Lieutenant's face he could tell that his partner was smirking.

"You're being a bastard. I can't stand for that." Hank growled.

Connor snorted. "Thehehen sihihihit dohohohown!"

"That's it! You're going down, you little shit!" A large raspberry suddenly met the back of Connor's neck, and he shrieked.

"NAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAHAHANK!!" Connor scuffed his heels along the floor, the only thing supporting him at that point being Hank's arms around his midriff.

"You gonna stop being a sassy bitch and consuming our evidence?"


Hank slowed his fingers and let go of Connor, who stumbled forward out of Hank's arms. His artificial lungs ached slightly, and his eyes were glazed with tears of mirth.

"Apologies, Lieutenant." He straightened his wrinkled uniform as best he could. "I could not help myself."

"Whatever, ya bastard." Hank ruffled Connor's neat hair and the android ducked away, grinning. "Back to the case."

Upon returning to the site, Hank busied himself with analyzing the baseball bat apparently used to beat the android's head in. Connor's eyes darted from Hank to the blood on the ground, and, grinning ear to ear, pulled a straw out of his pocket. He stuck it in the evidence and slurped as loudly and obnoxiously as possible.

Connor laughed at Hank's loud shout of protest. "CONNOR!"

And the android was tackled again, those evil fingers clawing for his sides.

Fuck meeeee I can't upload consistently

But here's a Henk and Corner thing 

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