Keep Your Arms Up (My Hero Academia)

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A/N //: I might be ill, why the fuck am I having so much inspiration??? But I loved this idea a lot and idk I wanted to write it! Btw if y'all are down to do a BNHA RP with yours truly, I'm fucking dooooown.

Prompt (mine again): Kirishima offers a challenge, and Bakugou is not one to back down from such. However, Bakugou wasn't counting on the unconventional method Kirishima would use, and Kirishima is a determined bastard.

Word count: iz a short babi, so like 970 words

"ARE YOU UNDERESTIMATING ME!?" Bakugou snarled, glaring at Kirishima, who just grinned.

"I said I don't think you can keep your arms up for five minutes," he repeated, his gaze malicious and surprisingly cocky. Bakugou felt anger bubbling in his chest, and he growled.

"I totally can, Shitty Hair! And I'll fucking prove it!" He raised his arms and plopped them on top of his head, staring down Kirishima angrily. The redhead just smirked and nodded to Kaminari, who pressed a button on his phone and started a five-minute timer. This set off a little twinge in Bakugou's stomach, but he tried to ignore it. He watched Kirishima disappear out of sight behind him, and he braced himself to get rammed into, or worse.

What he was absolutely NOT prepared for Kirishima to do was press his fingers against his sides.

He let out a genuine squeak and twitched away, giving the redhead a nasty glare. "Eijiro Kirishima, if you do that shit one more time I'll kick your ass."

Kirishima just shrugged, a wicked grin on his face. "Keep your arms up."

"You said that already- EEE!" Bakugou would deny letting out a squeal until the day he died, and Kirishima let out a laugh as he curled his fingers into the blonde's hips. "That's nohot fAHAIR!"

Kirishima said nothing, and instead just continued to crawl his fingers up and down Bakugou's sides. It was unbearable, and God he would do anything to make it stop. But he had his pride to uphold, and he wanted to give up but he couldn't!!

"GYAHAHAHAHAHA- SHIHIHIHIT EIJISTOPIT-!" Kirishima's fingers suddenly dug into his stomach, and the blonde almost doubled over, just barely managing to keep his trembling arms planted atop his tufty hair. He managed to read Kaminari's timer out of the corner of his eye, and...

4:47?! It had only been thirteen seconds??

Fuck, this was going to be torture.

Bakugou squirmed on his feet, barking out a loud squawk of laughter and stumbling away from Kirishima out of instinct. It took everything in his power not to bring his arms down, and Kirishima's damned fingers on his sensitive stomach didn't cease even for a second to give him a chance to breathe, let alone recover. The waves of ticklish agony coursing through his toned abdomen was muddling up his thoughts.

"I'd have expected you to break by now," teased Kirishima, pinching Bakugou's stomach and making him yelp. "You usually don't last this long when I tickle you."

Bakugou felt his face burning, but he didn't dare let his arms move to cover it. My pride wasn't at stake before!  he wanted to shout at the grinning redhead, but Kirishima decided just then to rake his fingers up Bakugou's spine, making him shriek and his quivering arms jolt down ever so slightly. 

"Watch those arms of yours, cutie," Kirishima giggled, scribbling his fingers viciously all over Bakugou's back, making the blonde explode (almost literally) into that loud, snorty laughter of his that could charm even the coldest hearts. He could feel his eyes watering, though they were shut so tight he was seeing spots, and his lungs ached. He wanted to risk a look at Kaminari's timer but his vision eas so blurry with tears that the entire classroom was swimming.

Bakugou shook his head frantically, gasping to breathe. "FUHUHUCK- DAHAHAHAMMIHIHIT! STOHOHOHOAHAHAHAHAP!"

He hated begging, he hated it so much, but the sensations coursing through his back were too much, too much, and he swore if it went on any longer he'd either lose his voice or pass out, whichever came first. He didn't even know how long this had been going on. "PLEHEHEHEASE!"

Kirishima's fingers slower to just gentle tracing (much to Bakugou's surprise) and the shaking teenager under those mean fingers heaved a very giggly sigh, twisting around in place.

"I've never heard you beg before, Bakugou," Kirishima said, his voice low and smooth in Bakugou's ear. "And I love hearing it. Do it some more,"

"Whahahat-" The words he had intended to say were immediately undermined by the loud wail of laughter that exploded from Bakugou's chest as Kirishima's fingers dove under his uniform to tickle his bare back. Bakugou's arms definitely came slamming down then as he let out a most embarrassing snort and those welled-up tears went trickling down. It was far too much to handle, even for him, and he desperately shoved a cackling Kirishima away. 

"Kidding, Bakugou, kidding!" The redhead gasped, his face red from laughing. Bakugou could feel his own cheeks burning as he glanced, teary-eyed, at Kaminari. He was smirking, smirking, and holding up his phone. THe timer no longer read a countdown, but instead a stopwatch of...

"ELEVEN MINUTES?!" Roared Bakugou, whipping around to glare devilishly at Kirishima, who looked amused and terrified.

"It was a joke, man, I didn't mean to make you scream like that!" Kirishima laughed back, just making Bakugou's rage flare.


Unfortunately for Kirishima, his hardening Quirk only lasted so long, and his wrestling match with Bakugou outlasted that limit, so soon enough Kirishima was hysterical on the ground, teary-eyed and begging for his life, while Bakugou tickled him to pieces.

It was an entertaining day, especially for Kaminari. Although it seemed like it would be his last day when Bakugou finally turned on him after leaving Kirishima a gasping, breathless, and sweaty mess on the classroom floor. Thank the stars Mr. Aizawa walked in when he did.

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