Treated Different (Detroit:Become Human)

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Featuring my bbys Reid and Connor and Gavin and Caleb (RK900) as bros having a little fun

Ever since he had met Connor, Reid had been treated differently. He used to be made fun of at the DPD for his freckles and abnormally orange hair, but a few weeks after he had started working there with Connor people said hello in friendly tones, and once an officer offered him her coffee after she overheard him telling Connor how cold it was outside. 

Reid had no idea what was going on until one afternoon when he was walking down the DPD corridor to find Connor, since Hank was asking for him. He froze as he heard his name from a nearby room, but as he opened his mouth to ask who it was he realized whoever was talking hadn't been speaking to him. Against his better judgement, he peeked into the room, where Gavin was sitting with Connor and the RK900 that was called Caleb, according to Connor. Gavin had been the one who had spoken, and he was still talking.

"So Reid is like a little brother to you, Connor," Gavin was saying. 

Connor nodded. "Yes. Despite our non-relation, he is like a younger brother in a way."

Caleb, who was sitting across from Connor, snorted. "How so?"

Connor paused, then spoke. "Well, he is slightly annoying at times," he said, "and that is apparently normal "little brother behaviour", as Lieutenant Anderson put it."

"He's also apparently rather adorable," teased Caleb, and Connor's face flushed blue. "Don't think I haven't heard you two talking."

Connor huffed out a laugh and jabbed Caleb in the side, making the latter flinch and squeal. "Watch it, Caleb. Don't make me tickle you."

Tickle?  Reid's mind popped up with an answer.

"Tickling is a form of bonding between two or more individuals. The action involves one of the members touching another in a light sense, causing the other to laugh."


Reid had witnessed this "tickling" between Connor and the Lieutenant very often, he now realized.

"Yeah, Caleb, we know you're as ticklish as a fucking five-year-old," joked Gavin.

Caleb glared at both of them.

Connor's grin widened. "I wonder if Reid's ticklish."

"Probably." Caleb snorted. "He's pretty much a kid still, it would make loads of sense."

"He's really sweet," Gavin said. "Let's be honest, he's a ray of sunshine. You can't stay mad at him."

Ray of sunshine? That doesn't make any sense, thought Reid, his LED flickering yellow briefly.

Reid had many questions, but decided not to ask any as he cleared his throat. "Uh, hello."

All three of the people in front of him looked around at the same time to stare at him.

"Reid! I didn't see you," Connor said. "What do you need?"

"Hank requested your prescence," Reid replied, glancing nervously back in the direction of the offices. "He's been waiting for a while."

Gavin's eyebrows went up. "Waiting? Why has he been waiting?"

"W-Well," stammered Reid, fidgeting. "I stopped to talk to a few officers on the way here. They asked about.... a lot of things. I'm sorry for the delay."

Connor hopped to his feet, smiling. "No problem, Reid. Thanks for coming."

For some reason, that smile gave Reid a feeling of fuzzy warmth in his chest and his confidence inched upwards.

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