Ticklish, hmm? (Adrien x Ari)

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This fic is going to be a little different from my normal stories, sorry

— perspective of Ari (me!) —

"Have some free time, everyone," Mrs. Delacroix calls, and immediately the long Mess Hall breaks into noise as people push back their chairs and begin to talk. I stand too and glance towards the fire, where a group of members of my band class are seated. I recognize Adrien, a boy with blonde hair, braces, freckles, and a bright smile. He's talking animatedly to Hayley, a tall girl with ginger hair and green eyes. Next to them sit a boy named Kevin, who is Asian, and a kind guy called Josh who I'd talked to occasionally.

I don't interact with the four of them on the regular, but I do talk to them and they consider me part of their squad. 

I decide to join them and plop down on the floor by Adrien's side. 

"Hey! It's Ari, right?" Josh says enthusiastically, high-fiving me. 

I grin. "The one and only!"

"What's been happening?" Kevin asks, nudging me with his elbow.

I shrug, glancing at Adrien. He's staring at me, but when I meet his eyes he busies himself with the flickering flames in the fireplace. I feel my face go warm, but I try to ignore it as I answer Kevin's question.

We're halfway through a half-heated debate about whether or not Fortnite is worth it's cost when I hear a squeak to my right.

I perk up and look to my right to see Adrien giggling brightly as Josh traces shapes on his back.

"W-Wait, no! Don't!" He begs, trying to squirm away from Josh, but Josh just grins and hugs Adrien tightly to keep him where he is.

I feel my heart flutter as I watch Adrien squirm helplessly in Josh's arms, giggling adorably.

"Adrien's ticklish?" I ask curiously, feeling a warm smile cross my face.

"Oh yeah," Josh replies, ignoring the loud "NO!" from Adrien. "He's terribly sensitive. Mostly on his back, his stomach, his neck, and his knees. It's adorable."

I smirk. "Do demonstrate."

"Gladly." Josh suddenly flutters his fingers against Adrien's neck, and the latter snorts and bursts into louder, more high-pitched laughter that makes my heart melt.

"Awww!" I tease, figuratively wallowing in the adorable pink tint that floods Adrien's face as he attempts a glare at me.

"Oh, it gets better," Josh assures me.

I grin. "Does it, now?"

"It does."

Josh curls his fingers into Adrien's stomach and he squeals.

"That's adorable," I say simply as Adrien squirms more frantically and his laughter rises in volume.

"Guys! P-People will hear! People will s-see!" Adrien whines through his laughter, swatting at Josh feebly.

"Like you'd care," Josh teases. "You love this."

Adrien instantly goes very red in the face and he stammers. "Wh-what?! No i d-d-don't!"

"Yes you doooooo!~" Josh cooes, wiggling his fingers gently all over Adrien's stomach and sides. Adrien is pretty much shrieking at this point: thank goodness most of the students had retired to their dorms when the break began.

"Alright, Josh, leave the poor boy," I finally say, when Adrien looks on the verge of passing out. Josh rolls his eyes and stops, releasing Adrien, who immediately scoots away from Josh, still giggling.

"You okay?" I ask Adrien, and he nods weakly. I scoot to his side and, despite him flinching away, I start rubbing his back. Adrien subtly melts into my touch, and I smile softly and continue. I can feel the eyes of everyone on me, but at this point I care about as much as a dead squirrel would.

When Adrien stops giggling I retract my hands and I can tell that he swallowed a vocal whine of disappointment.

"I ship it!" Haylei calls, and I flush red and glare at her.

Adrien blushes too, biting his lip and fiddling with his sleeve.

I turn my attention to the dancing flames in the fireplace and watch the orange blaze flicker back and forth like a strange type of waltz.

Maybe I could teach Adrien a waltz...

I blink in surprise. What am I thinking? Why am I thinking?

I can't think about him like that.

I continue to stare blankly at the fire, my mind now elsewhere.

Can I?....

Yay for ships!

I replaced the names of people and changed the scenario a bit so it would reveal less of my personal life, but yeah. I've got a crush on a guy now and ahhhh

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