Tough Guy ( OC Tickle Fic )

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// SO A FRIEND OF MINE AND I MADE CHARACTERS AND I. I AM IN LOVE. They're just so baby and this idea has been bouncing around my head like a goddamn DVD screensaver for hours so I decided to write it. It's not a fanfic and for that I'm sorry but I hope you enjoy it either way! Also ew I hate the title.

Summary : Hajime has always been the rough, intimidating guy in their relationship. Quinn, however, is positive that his best friend has a weakness. And, to his delight and Hajime's dismay, this rough, intimidating guy might have one of the cutest weaknesses ever.

Characters : Quinn ( Friend's OC ), Hajime ( My OC )

* Written from no specific perspective.


Quinn was positive Hajime had to have a weakness.

His roomie had always insisted that he did not, in fact, have a single one. It seemed to be true, also ; everything Quinn had tried from bugs to the dark had no noticeable effect on the taller boy. Hajime had begun to catch on to what Quinn was doing, too, and so his chances of getting his roommate's guard down were getting far and in between. It had been nearly ten days since his last attempt at getting a reaction out of Hajime ( for the record, Quinn had wrestled a garden snake into Hajime's room ) and he was getting frustrated!

This morning, Hajime hadn't yet woken up. It was coming up on eleven; Quinn had made food and left a plate on the table for him, but it was cold now and the dark-haired athlete hadn't come downstairs yet. He supposed it was his friend's inability to work properly unless it was late at night, and he did have some work to do. Poor Hajime had been up late last night, until the wee hours of the morning, probably. Quinn couldn't be sure.

However, Quinn wasn't having it. He knew Hajime could be lazy sometimes, but they'd planned to go skateboarding with another friend of theirs, and without food in his stomach his roommate would be grumpy. The ginger stomped up the stairs, the knot of annoyance in his stomach tightening. Had Hajime forgotten?

However, when he pushed open the other's door, he was slightly surprised at the sight of Hajime sleeping perfectly soundly in his bed, sprawled out with the several blankets he had accumulated barely on the bed anymore at all. His hair was a mess, his face slightly red as his chest rose and fell as he breathed. Quinn felt a small flutter in his heart as he stepped quietly into the room. He had never seen Hajime so...


Quinn leaned over the sleeping Hajime, beaming as he put out a hand to gently pat his stomach to hopefully wake him up. It was a gentle gesture, but nonetheless Quinn felt concerned when the sleeping boy twitched and shifted. Blinking in surprise, he lightened his touch considerably and tried again, but this time Hajime actually whined and rolled onto his side, hiding a very small smile as he hugged his pillow.

Quinn could have melted on the spot.

A grin began to overtake his features as he very, very gently rolled Hajime back onto his back and climbed into the bed, carefully settling his weight on his roommate's waist in a way that wouldn't wake him up, but would be secure all the same. With that ( and, of course, the small voice in Quinn's head screaming what he knew must be true ), the redhead gently dragged his fingertips down Hajime's clothed stomach.

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