Villain's Quirk, Hero's Sensitivity ( BNHA )

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// A fic request from @ Weronika669372 ! I hope you all enjoy this one!

Summary : Shinsou is feeling a little insecure about his Quirk, and Kaminari won't have any of it.

Characters : Denki Kaminari, Hitoshi Shinsou

* Written from no specific perspective.


"Am I a monster, Kaminari?"

The sun was setting, sending a red-and-yellow blaze leaping across the sky. The leaves of the forest surrounding UA's campus were tinged orange with the dusk, and a few dusty clouds drifted across the sky.

Settled in the grass of the courtyard, Kaminari gave Shinsou an incredulous look, sitting up from his comfortable lean against his palms. "Why would you think that?"

Shinsou shrugged, dark hair almost red in the sunset. "Some of the hero course kids were giving me hell about it behind my back. Said I had a villain's quirk, said they didn't know why I was at UA. One of em even said I was... well..."

He rubbed his arm, keeping his gaze on the ground and away from his friend. "He said it should have been me getting taken by the League. Said if it was me the league would have hired me on the spot."

Kaminari's fingertips sparked, his expression darkened with anger. "Who? Anyone I know? Do I need to shock 'em?"

Shinsou shook his head, tucking his knees to his chest as his voice, raspy with previous lack of use, quieted down, almost stolen away by the breeze. "Maybe they were right, Kaminari."


"What if they were right? My quirk is useless as a hero. Brainwashing doesn't do anyone good, does it?" Shinsou sighed glumly. "And what will controlling people do, huh? Make the villains stand still and do nothing? Maybe I'd be more useful if I did join the League..."

Kaminari leaned forward, hurt shimmering in his eyes. "You're not a villain, Hitoshi. I know that, and I think you do too. Your quirk is cool, it really is! Even if it isn't the most convenient sometimes, you don't need your quirk to be a great hero! You're smart, and you can plan things really well, you know. And you're amazing at hand-to-hand!"

Shinsou stayed quiet, fiddling with the string of his hoodie, so Kaminari pressed on. "Your quirk is plenty useful for daily things, too! You can get people to fetch things for you, or tell you the answer to a test question. And if you were a villain, you would have a different attitude. You'd be all 'grr!' and super scary! And you're not like that, are you?"

"You think?" Shinsou said quietly, gravelly voice crackling as he lifted his eyes to meet Kaminari's.

Kaminari nodded, crawling over to Shinsou and leaning up so they were almost nose-to-nose. Shinsou flushed on instinct and tipped his head back slightly, a wobbly, nervous smile coming across his face. "H-Hey," he said. "You're... you're awful close, Kami..."

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