Summer Evenings [ OCs ]

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A/N : Hey folks! I've been literally dead for almost six months now and I really do want to get back into writing on here. Hopefully I get some motivation soon, so I can write for my favourite fandoms again! For now, have a short fic of mine and a friend's OCs from a DND campaign we finished a little while ago. I'm lowkey in denial and making content of my babies helps me survive- anyways enjoy!


The sound of rainfall drumming against the roof filled the room, staining the windows with trickles of raindrops. Curled up in a large bed set in the middle of the room, Jay snuggled deeper into the comforters, curling his fingers into the blanket as he tugged it up to his chin. Ash-grey wings were spread over the mattress, drooping over the edge of the bed, and he sighed softly in content.

The warm heat of Loki was settled over his legs, underneath the comforters. Jay could feel his boyfriend's tail curling around his own, and the other elf's fingers were tracing small circles on his thighs. With every touch his skin tingled, but he loved when Loki was this close to him. They usually didn't get this chance.

"Cute," came the muffled reply from under the duvet. Jay snorted and flicked his tail stubbornly, and when he heard an indignant yelp from his partner he felt a small grin cross his face as the warmth on his lap shifted.

A small squeak emitted from the smaller boy as he felt Loki gently bite the inside of his thigh. His leg twitched instinctively, and he could almost feel the grin that Loki gave him through the covers before he felt gentle fingers worming along his thighs.

"Eek! Ahahm- noohohoho!" He cried softly, squirming and trying to tuck his legs up closer to him, but when he realized Loki was definitely sitting on his legs and keeping him still he let out a quiet sob of laughter, his wings thumping a little against the mattress. "Dohohooon't! NAHAOHO!"

"Mm, what's wrong, hun?" Jay could almost hear the grin in his fiancé's voice as he let out an almost squeal as Loki crawled his fingers to the insides of his thighs. "Didn't know you were sensitive, bunny.~"

Jay whined, his tail lashing as he squirmed a little and rolled onto his side a little. "Eeheheek! Bahabyhy, nooho! Ihi'm sahaharryhy!"

Loki chuckled, a low, thrumming rumble, and the tingling in Jay's thighs eased as his fiancé let him breathe and drew back his hands, opting instead to rest his head on the tiefling's leg with a sigh. Jay gently peeled back the comforter to reveal Loki's face, gentle and smiling, and he felt his heart flutter.

God, he had fallen hard for this man.

"What was that for?" He asked gently, eyes reflecting the dim light of the room.

Loki chuckled. "Your thighs are soft and squishy. How could I help myself?"

"I guess so."

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