The Valentine Kharkovsky [My OC, Valentine]

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A/N: I tried to write something a little different, hope you like it!

Good morning, sunshine. Took you quite a while to wake up, you know. It's been almost an hour, usually the gas only works for half that. But anyways, enough of that. My name is Valentine. Valentine Kharkovsky. Ooh, yes, you've heard that name before, ah? I can tell by that little flinch. So surely you must be familiar with what I do. Pick people up off the street, bring them here — yes, honey, there are others — and then, well, give them a hell of a good time. At least for me.

Yeah, that's right. I'm the Valentine Kharkovsky. The one that surprises people walking alone, drags them here, and then tickles the fuck out of them. And that, dear boy, is what I'm going to do to you.

This here table, dearest, is what almost every single one of those kids I find lay on when I first come to see them. My two friends are the kindest, you know, Jace and Will. They do all the kidnapping for me, and let me do the fun stuff. 

However, here's the real question: are you ticklish?

Hmm, the hesitance in your answer, your no, isn't very convincing, little child. I can hear the way voices shake when they lie, I've been doing this for a while now. But you already know that.

Now, let's see what we're working with, ah? What's your name, son? [Y/N], is it? Wonderful name. I like it very much. Shame no one will remember it in a few years. 

Down to business. Let's try out these sensitive little sides of yours, hey? My fingers can fit perfectly into the curves. And they're so ticklish! You're already giggling, you know. My, my, we're going to have fun together, little [Y/N]. 

Next let's try your belly. And what do you know, just as ticklish as those little sides of yours. I'm surprised. Most subjects last a little longer than this, [Y/N]. Maybe you should try harder.

Sides and tummy, next is your ribs and underarms. Less ticklish here, I see, but you still get sent giggling. At least try to hold it in, sunshine, we have quite a few more spots to try.

Your torso is quite ticklish, so we'll move down, to your thighs and knees. Oh my, honey, can you shriek! You must be quite ticklish here. I'll have to come back later.

But as I go lower, dearest [Y/N], you squirm some more. Ah ah ah, you know you aren't getting free of these bonds, dear. They're infused with magic, impossible to break. But yet you try, and you say no, no, no. Maybe that means your precious little feet here are somewhat sensitive, hmm?

I haven't even touched down yet, [Y/N], why are you giggling so much? Not that I mind the sound, but you must be very ticklish here. I wonder what would happen if I were to... Hell, [Y/N], I have met some wonderfully ticklish people, but you are certainly up there. Why, you're shrieking like you've just seen a murder.

Now that I've softened you up a bit, let's move back up. You've gotten an awful lot more ticklish now, hm, [Y/N]? These sides of yours are suddenly very jittery. It's cute, if I may say so. But I suppose you don't have a say in the matter. You're laughing much too hard.

Alright, I'll stop for a minute. I can't have my subject passing out on me, can I? But don't you worry, little [Y/N], for I've planned something much more fun. 

Good morning Jace, Will. Meet [Y/N]. They're very loud, as you probably heard. I hope you have fun with them. I'll just stand over by this box, watching. I'll even take your notes for you, Will. I know you like to catalog all of our subjects.

My, [Y/N], you look so nervous. Don't be, Jace and Will are more merciful than myself in most cases. Emphasis on most. They once drove a little boy, I think his name was Kyle, to unconsciousness. But I'll stop them if they get to be too much. 

Don't sound so alarmed, [Y/N]. I won't kill you. I'll need you for later.

[to be continued?]

A/N: Maybe a part 2 if you guys want it!

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