The truth

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Mama and Dada were taking me out for my birthday, me being so small for three year old was in the carrier trying to get see what was going on. But Mama was smart to keep me up right, so I only saw buildings. Then we just stop, at first I thought we had arrive but I only saw buildings and I knew something wasn't right. I was squirming around trying to see what was going on. Except I saw nothing.

"Jack what's a matter?" Mama asked Dada. Lucky for me, she had lowered the carrier so I could see. I didn't hear Dada answer, except I saw him pull something out. Then Mama scream, "Jack! What are you doing with a knife!" she screamed. Soon Dada came into view with something shiny in his hand. Dada didn't answer and came closer, while Mama took a step back. Then Dada came running at Mama and plunged the shiny thing in her body, as red stuff came out her body. I could feel her grip loosen on the carrier, then I felt bang as carrier hit the floor. Then she fell to the floor while more red stuff came out.

"Oh my god, what did I do?" Dada cried as he lied beside Mama, "No! Claire! I don't what happened to me! A woman told me to and I felt like I had to! Don't leave me! I need you!" he screamed as he pulled Mama closer to him. Why is he screaming? Mama was right there. I undid my straps that connect me to the carrier. Slowly I climbed out of the carrier and went beside Dada. He looked down at me with tears going down his cheeks.

I pointed at his cheeks, "Wat' a matter Dada? Mama is ight' there."

More tears came out of his puffy, red eyes, "I'm so sorry Faith, but I did something really bad. Worst then stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar." he answered as he pulled the shiny thing out of Mama and pointed it at himself. "I'm so sorry, Faith." he cried as he shoved the shiny thing in his body and red stuff came out his body too.

I glanced at the two, "Mama? Dada?" I looked down at my hands and saw the red stuff on them. I looked at my favorite pink dress and it had the red stuff on it too. Even my white shoes were covered in it. Then the same woman from the park, came up to me and picked me up. She had brown curly hair and brown eyes like mine.

"Hey! Hose' my eyes!" I exclaimed as I pointed to my eyes. The woman smirked at me.

"Don't worry Faith, I'll take care of you. Your Daddy did just as I asked."


I felt someone shake me waking me up from the horrible nightmare. "Faith! Wake up!" I heard someone yelled. My eyelids suddenly opened and I saw Katherine. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her in a hug and cried on her shoulder. She knows I sometimes have the same nightmare and was always there. She pulled away, "Where's your blanket Faith?" She asked. When I was younger I would always had the same nightmare every night, so Katherine got me a blanket to help me sleep. Whenever she had to wash it or when I lost it, I would always cry until I got it back. It was a pink blanket with a pink a dolphin in the middle. As I grew older I didn't need it as much, but I always kept it on my bed for safety reasons.

"I-I don't know. I lost it a month ago, I thought I could deal without it." I whimpered. Mom nodded and turned on the lamp and stared to looked under the bed, then behind the pillows. When she moved one of the pillows, I saw my blanket stuff in the crack behind the headboard and mattress. I reached for it and tugged it out of there and held it close to me.

"Do you want me to stay in here, or will you be okay by yourself?" Mom asked.

I nodded, "I think I'll be fine." I answered.

She pushed a piece of hair out of my face, "Are you sure? I don't mind." I nodded again, "I'll be fine." She nodded and stood up, she lend forward and kissed my forehead. "I love you."

I got back under the covers, "Love you too." I whispered. Then she was out of my room. I reached over at my lamp and turned it off and rest my head on the pillow. Something was different about my dream this time, it was more clear. Like I was two all over again. Then it hit me.

After thirteen years I've never notice it. My father had said a woman had told him to kill my mother and he felt like he had too. Then Katherine had said my father had did what she asked, she was the woman. She had compelled my father to kill my mother.

Katherine had killed my parents


Ugh I start school tomorrow boo and I don't wanna go.

Anyways who's liking this story so far? Is it good? Oh and are my pictures okay? I know for this one I didn't post one cause it really didn't need one.

I like Katherine being all motherly it's funny😂.

Okay. Bye



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