The Hospital

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"Mom." Was all I could say before bursting into tears. She had hurt Ashley, my best friend, the only person I could trust now.

Katherine rolled her eyes, "You called, now what do you want?" she snapped. Is this all my fault? I found out the truth and I didn't give Katherine the chance to explain. Ashley wouldn't be in the hospital right now neither would I. But right now, it was only Ashley.

I quickly wiped my tears away, "I'm sorry," That got her attention. "I'm sorry I didn't let you explain. I'm sorry I ran away from you, from my problems. It makes me weak I know, but I need the truth. All of it. I need to know why you killed them, why you hid it from me, if I have more family. I'm ready to listen." I cried.

She rolled her eyes once more, "But you want me to save Ashley blah blah. Who cares about her anyways? Not her parents for sure, I mean her father had to sleep with another woman to get that satisfactory." There was a small pause as Katherine came closer to me. "But I'll say the best part is hearing her heartbeat drop every second. Give her about another minute and she'll be dead, simple as that." She explained.

"Why? What do you get out of hurting Ashley?" I questioned as more tears came out.

Katherine was now right next to me leaning over me, "Because sweetheart, I'm letting you feel the pain I felt when you broke my heart. And trust me it will take a lot more then one little girl to fill the pain you cause me." she snapped.

This wasn't my mother anymore, this wasn't her. This was Katherine Pierce the one everyone fear. Elena, Stefan, and Damon all feared her, now me.

"Mom please, I'm begging you. Help her please. I can't lose her. You still have me, I'm still here. I still love you, but I won't if you let her die." I begged but her face reaction didn't change. "I'll let you take it away." I whispered, but with Katherine's vampire abilities I knew she heard me.

"And now what is it that I'll be taking away?" she asked while smirking. This is what she wanted, for me to give up the truth for Ashley.

I looked down at my hands, "The truth." I whispered.

Katherine's cold hand touched my face and tilt it, to where I was making eye contact with her. "Deeper Faith." She demanded.

I felt one last tear roll down my cheek, "The truth of my parents death." I cried. Then she was gone. I was going to let Katherine take away the truth of my parents death for Ashley's life. She would take this away, the pain, the hate towards her, all of it. She will take it away. She will make everything normal again. I know I want the truth, but Ashley was someone I couldn't lose especially against Katherine.

When I looked down at myself, I didn't find any bandages on my body, not even on my arm. I remember blood going down it when I had tried to open the door. Then I remember what Katherine said she would hurt me, but would always heal me. But I want to feel physical pain not this kind of pain.

Katherine had came back ten minutes later, only for her to tell me we were leaving and that she had already checked me out but I want to know why she even let me come here. "Why did you let me come here? When you were just going to heal me?" I questioned.

Katherine chuckled, "I thought it would be fun to watch you while your best friend died. Such a bummer it didn't happen, it was fun to go back to my normal routines while being around you. Now get dress Faith, I wanna get home and talk." She told me.

I glanced back at the IV that was still pierced in my skin and looked back up at Katherine for her to take it out for me. To be honest I don't like needles or hurting myself. Except the fact I had to, so I could get out of the car. Katherine had understood what I had meant and came over to me. One of her hands touched my arm while the other was holding the IV. She nodded at me to look away and I did, then I felt the cold metal come out of my arm. When I looked down at my arm and nothing was there. Katherine then cupped my face in her hands and looked at me.

"I don't want this again Faith. After we get home and I tell you everything, I don't want to hear you talk about your parents. Understand?" Wait I'm confused. I thought I was giving up the truth for Ashley. Or is Katherine having a change of heart?

"What do you mean?" I whispered

"You know I would never compel you and this isn't something I want you to forget, you deserve to know the truth. But you have to promise me that you won't leave unless you are with someone. I never want you alone, am I clear?" I smiled as I quickly nodded and pulled her into a hug. She was going to let me keep my memories.

"Thank you." I cried as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I love you."

"That's all I wanted to hear," She pulled away from the hug and wiped my tear away. "Now go get dress, I'm going to go check up on Ashley and make sure she won't even up turning." she joked as she left the room. I started to pull all of the wires that we're attach to me and got up from the uncomfortable hospital bed. In the chair that was the nearest to me was my clothes in a plastic bag. I grabbed them and went into the bathroom and changed into my clothes. When I had looked at the mirror, I didn't look any different only a little small white bandage right above my eyebrow as I took it off and threw it in the trash.

"Faith? Are you ready?" I heard Katherine asked. I looked one more time in the mirror and left the bathroom. I looked over at Katherine who was leaning against the door frame.

"Yup" I answered, popping the 'p'.


Once we got home, Katherine had made me sit down at the bar stool while she went to go warmed up a few slices of pizza for me. My guess was she saw I only had that apple from Ashley's house, and to be honest I was hungry. I had swallow all of the food in seconds and was stuff, then Katherine had sent me to the dining table for our talk. I started to actually get nervous, last time me and Katherine had a talk it was about my first period and how my body was changing. Worst talk we ever had, well except now. Even then Katherine didn't know what she was talking about especially because she hasn't had a period in five-hundred years.

Katherine then came back to the dining room with a bottle of water and handed it to me, "Before we start to talk about your parents and the past. I want to talk about your future, especially college. I'm going to home school you, I'm giving up on public schools with you. This way I can also watch over you and help you. No arguing this is already settle, I already have all the paper work." she explained.

"When did you start thinking about this?" I asked.

Katherine pulled something out of her back pocket and unfold it for it to show all of my report cards from high school, "Freshman year, when you barley passed with all D's, and this year you've only have had 50's in all of your class even in gym. The only two your actually passing with an A is drama and art, which you won't have anymore. I'm going to make history and math 90 minutes, instead of 45." she answered. I was going to argue with her but I had no reason too. She could help me. She knew what I hate and what I was good at. "Faith?"

I nodded, "Yeah fine, I actually kinda like the idea." I answered

She raised an eyebrow, "Are we talking about the samething? I'm talking about school. One thing you hate most." she chuckled.

I started to laugh, "I know, it's just maybe it would be fun. And I mean you are five-hundred years old, you probably know more stuff then all of my teachers combined." I joked.

She let out a small laugh then got serious, "Are you sure you wanna know what happened?" she asked.

I nodded, "Yes."


Question. Who likes all of the pictures? I know they are mainly Katherine pictures but still. Also I will try and find more Selena Gomez pictures.


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