Auntie Agnes

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This woman, this woman was my aunt. She bought me gifts every birthday year, Christmas and even on Easter. Though that woman was gone to me, she didn't even look for me when I went 'missing'. She couldn't just go around and start hugging me. She was nothing to me but a woman.

"Oh my god. I have to call Tom he needs to know. Wait here." she told me as she left the bathroom. No no no. There was no way this woman was calling my uncle or taking me home with her. I ran out of the bathroom and went back to the table were Katherine was sitting at.

She looked at me confused, "What's a matter Faith?" she asked.

I quickly tried to catch my breath. Maybe it was a bad idea to miss gym a lot. "My... Aunt.... Is... Here." I answered taking a breath after each word.

She shot out of her seat, "What do you mean she's here?" she asked worried.

I put my hand on my hip still trying catch my breath, I held my finger meaning to give me a second. Once I caught my breath, "When I went into the bathroom, and I saw this woman who looked really familiar. Then she was starting to leave but I caught her arm and asked who she was, then she started asking all of these questions. After I had answered them she hugged me, and then she told me she was my aunt. Right now she's calling my uncle." I answered. Katherine grabbed my arm and pulled me towards where my aunt was standing.

She was already on the phone but hadn't press the call button. She looked at me confused, "Faith I told you to stay in the bathroom." Then she finally notice Katherine next to me. "Faith who's this?" she asked me.

Katherine growled, "Her mother." She snapped as she ripped the phone out of her hands and snapped it in half. Then she got in front of her and looked straight into her eyes as her pupils got bigger. She was going to compel her. "Your going to forget seeing Faith and I, and go back home." Then my aunt repeat what Katherine said and left. Katherine pulled me to her side, "Come on lets go home, we'll get something to eat somewhere else." I nodded as we exited The Grill and headed towards her car.

Then we we're on our way home.


I can't believe that vampire bitch tried to compel me and took my niece away from me again. Lucky I actually wore the necklace that was laced with vervain that my sister-in-law gave me after she told me and my brother what she was. After seeing Faith well finding her, made me want her back in my life and take back what's mine. She looked so much like my brother it hurt to think about it, but that vampire bitch took him from me too. She hurt everyone in my family because she was a bitch.

I watched as my niece and the vampire walk out of the Grill and get in a car. I took a quick glance at the license plates and wrote the number down on the closest notepad I found. I went back to were my step-daughter was sitting at. I asked her to let me me barrow her phone and I called my brothers number.

"Hello?" He asked on the third ring.

"Tom? It's Agnes." I answered.

There was a small pause. "Why are you calling me on a different phone Agnes? And why are you calling me? We don't talk unless it's about Jack or Claire."

I rolled my eyes, "That's why I'm calling. I found her."

+Two week later+


Katherine left to go to the grocery store a few minute ago, and I was studying for my next test. After we got back from Mystic Falls and I took my history test I actually pass it with an A! Every since then I've then been studying like no tomorrow and making amazing grades. When suddenly the door bell went off. At first I thought it was Katherine but she would have gone though the garage especially with groceries. I went over to the front door and opened it only to found two police officers. The one on the left had black hair and brown eyes who was also really buff. But the one on the right looked like a loser. He had these big glasses and red hair with a lot of freckles.

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