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~Minutes Before~

After explaining to Claire about everything, from going to a gas station, and leaving Faith by herself as I went inside. To finding Faith missing, and the security cameras showing Elena and Damon taking her. When I had told her she was helping me, she sent me a nasty look like she wouldn't do it.

"Why should I help you? What makes you think I wouldn't take her for myself?" she snapped.

I quickly slammed on the breaks, making her go flying forward. I quickly turned and faced her, "Because Claire, if you help me, Faith will start to trust you and forgive you for everything you did to her. Even if you were to take her, which you won't, she wouldn't trust you. Everyday she would try to run and find me." I fired back. She sent me another glare but relaxed in the seat. I started the car again, and drove over the speed limit the whole way to the Salvatore house.


We had finally reached the Salvatore house and I had parked the car a few blocks away. The whole ride here we were only pulled over twice. The first cop I killed, and Claire killed the second one. We both agree on if we actually shared the blood, we would be stronger to take all of vampires we would be facing. It was a fair deal, Claire was stronger then Caroline and Elena, while I was stronger then Damon and Stefan. We had formed a plan also, the Salvatore's and Elena were planing on it being me getting Faith out of there. So instead of it being me, Claire would be getting her. It would explain why Faith knew about vampires, and me. While she got Faith, I will be snapping any necks that get in my way. But I knew if there was one bite mark or even if they simply just slapped her. I will kill everyone in that damn house that laid a finger on her.

Claire and I both got out of the car, and started walking towards the house. When I grabbed Claire's arm, "You do whatever you have to do to get her. Please." I begged.

She pulled away from my grip, "You keep forgetting Katherine, she's my daughter too. This might be my only chance to making it up to her, and I will do anything to make sure she's okay."

I nodded, "I'm sorry, it's just. In my five hundred years as a vampire, she was the only person who made me see the world different. That I could still love people, and they could love me." I told her.

A tear went down her cheek, "That was me with my husband. When I was younger my mother was a never home, I think she was having an affair with someone, while my father was a drunk. He hit me a lot and one time he rapped me. My sister, we're won't even that. Just two people who shared blood. That was why I was so hard on Faith. After I had turned, I remember all of that pain and then me doing it to her. From that day, I promise myself I would never hurt her again if I found her. When I saw her at that barn, I forgot ever thing that I promised. That why I have to do this, for you and me." She quickly wiped away her tears and looked back at the house then at me. "Now let's go get our daughter." Then she was gone.


"Now let's go get our daughter." Then I used my vampire speed to get to the Salvatore's front door. I pounded on the giant wooden door. Instead of waiting for someone to answer the door, I opened it myself. Inside I saw Stefan Salvatore making himself a drink. He turned around and looked at me confused.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his question. "I'm here for my daughter, now where is she?" I demanded.

His eyes widen, "S-she's your daughter?" I nodded. "Then how does she know so much about Katherine and Elena?"

I rolled my eyes once more, "Every goddamn vampire knows about Katherine and Elena. Katherine the one who ran from Klaus and Elena who broke his curse. Then broke your little heart." Then I was in front of him. "Now one more time. Where is my daughter?" But then something strong filled my nose. Something sweet. Blood. Human blood. And I knew there was only one human I knew that was in this house. Faith.

I quickly shoved passed Stefan and ran downstairs, to what I assume was the basement, the smell grew stronger. While in dark hallway, I saw a girl with dark hair and even had red highlights in her hair. She turned around and faced me. Katherine. Except I knew Katherine was upstairs some where waiting for me to come out with Faith. Then I remember that Katherine said that her doppelgänger would be here, Elena.

"Who the hell are you?" Elena asked.

I ignored her question, "Where is my daughter?"

Just like Stefan, her eyes widen. "She's your daughter?" I rolled my eyes and shoved passed her. Faith's blood was strong, but something else was confusing the smell. Vervain.

I groaned, "Where the hell is-" I started until I opened the closest door to me which was giant metal door. I saw her. On the floor, with a stake in her leg and her right eye was swallow shut. Blood all over her leg and there was dried up blood on her neck. From all the way over here I could see two little marks. Someone had bit her. Someone drank her blood. My daughters blood. Damon and some other blonde person was in the room. Damon had blood on his hands, and right away I knew he was the responsible for this. For hurting my daughter.

Damon look over at me confused, "Who are you?"

I ignored his question and raced over to Faith. So much blood was coming out of leg it worried me. I couldn't lose her, just when I found her. I can't lose the one thing I still love in this life. That and her heartbeat started to drop, and I quickly started to shake Faith.

"Faith, please! Open your eyes!" I screamed. "Faith! You're mother is right here, you just need to open you're eyes!"

Just barely she opened one of her eyes, enough to calm me down. She was barley able to get her head two inches off the ground to look at me. Then she said one single word:

"Mama?" she mumbled.





im finish now



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