Losing Faith

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GUYS, I JUST NOW REALIZED IVE BEEN SPELLING EXCEPT WRONG THIS WHOLE TIME. IVE BEEN SPELLING EXPECT. 😂😂😂😂 AND THIS IS WHY I HAVE DYSLEXIA😂😂 so if you like don't mind, can you comment when you see that I have spelled it wrong please? And not make myself look like a idiot. 😂


I finally found Mrs. Flowers, carrying a couple pairs of jeans and few t-shirts. I quickly took them out of her hands and looked at her.

"Stay in you're room, and don't come out for anything. Also don't invite anyone in unless I say so. Okay?" I compelled her. She supply just nodded and went towards her room. I smirked and started to head back to the room Faith was staying at. Until Claire appeared in front of me.

I sighed, "What do you want Claire? I need to make sure Faith is okay."

Claire rolled her eyes, "Well I kinda need her blanket if you want me to get it washed. But fine by me," She waved her hand towards Faith's room. "Go right ahead."

My eyes narrowed, "You're very annoying, do you know that?" I told her. I placed the clothes on a close table, and went out the door with Claire following. We went back to my car, I went to the back seat. Where I pulled out Faith's bloody blanket. I handed the blanket to Claire. "Also if really want to be the best person ever, you can get a hole fixed in that old thing. I've never had time to."

She sighed, "Fine. But you better help me gain Faith's trust. She still wants nothing to with me, even after thing I have done for her."

I rolled my eyes, "Give it time, Claire. Something you obviously don't have."

Claire growled at me, before storming off. I waited until she was out of my sight, I sighed and started to go back to back to the house. Once I entered the house, something strong filled the air and I knew right away what it was. Blood. My eyes widened, there was only two human's in this house. Mrs. Flowers and Faith. But the smell was coming from upstairs. I used my vampire speed and went straight to Faith's room. Only for the smell to grow stronger. Strong enough for my vampire side to show, but I ignored it. I tried to open the door, except it was locked.

"Faith! Are you okay?!" I screamed at the door. Nothing. I heard nothing, but running water. "Faith! I'm coming in!" I yelled as I shoved through the door, breaking it off it's hinges. What I saw made my stomach drop. The shower curtain and the metal rod had fallen off. While Faith had blood running down her head. It looked like it her head was split opened, and she had lost a lot of blood. Worst part of all, I couldn't heard anything. "Oh my God, Faith! Please, don't be dead!" I ripped the shower curtain from the rod and wrapped it around Faith's body, because she was naked. Although I didn't care she was naked all together. She was my daughter, but I knew she would care.

I tried to listen for a heartbeat, but still nothing. Then I went to my next option, I gave her CPR. As I started pounding on her chest trying to pump her heart, and get blood throughout her body. I was just begging for her to wake up. "Faith, please! I can't lose you! You know that!" I screamed at her body. Please, I can't lose her. Please, bring her back but not as a vampire. I will give anything up for her. Just bring my little girl back. I secretly prayed. I kept pushing down on her chest, as tears started to fall. I was giving up hope. One thing I thought I would never do with Faith.

I started to slow down. She isn't waking up. Oh God! She won't wake up! Then I just fell to the floor. I lost her. I lost my baby girl. By now, she will just wake up as a vampire. A blood-sucking monster. Something she wasn't suppose to turn into until after she was done with school. I started to cry harder in my hands. Maybe Claire was right, I shouldn't have gave her my blood. It was too risky. Or I should have never let her take a shower yet. She was still in pain to do so.

I stared at Faith's body, with tears going down my cheek. Then I heard something. Thump......... Thump....... Thump....... I quickly stood up and leaned over her head. I could still hear her breathing. I could see her taking in small amounts of air in. She was breathing. Oh my god! She was breathing! I still had a chance. I grabbed a large blanket and wrapped it around Faith's body. I quickly lifted her up, and ran all the way to the hospital using my vampire speed.


When I got to the hospital, it was dead. No one was here. I ran over to the front desk with Faith in my arms. "I need help now!" I screamed at the front desk lady. She looked at me confused, but then she saw Faith. Her eyes widen. The woman called nurses down, and they took my baby from my arms and put her on a stretcher. Then they pushed her away into a room.

I tried to calm my breathing, and my worry for my daughter. I almost lost her today and I'm about to lose her again. Except I couldn't, I was too scared. I took out my wallet and pulled out a picture of Faith from when she was in third grade. I smiled and rubbed the edges.

Faith was so beautiful, and I still asked myself how I found her. How she called ME mom everyday. She was mine, she was my little girl. I knew the day I saw her saw was mine, yet I still had weight of guilt on my shoulders. I took her. I took her from a family, she already had a mother and a father. I could've adopt a child, but they wouldn't be Faith. Faith was.... Faith. Her name fit her perfectly.

And now I need faith, to save her.


-Two hours later-

Faith is still in surgery, and I've gone through ten cups of coffee plus a person a killed on accident while feeding. I called Mrs. Flowers and told her to tell Claire what happened. After that Claire came rushing to the hospital, with Faith's clean blanket that looked brand new.

When Claire got here, she started yelling at me. She thought I had something to with. I was this close to snapping her neck, but I held back.

When the first hour passed, one of the doctors came out. He told me that Faith was in critical state. That she had crack her skull and had some internal bleeding. They told us they were doing all that they could and that Faith was a survivor. She was strong. I was just hoping my blood would help, and not turn her.


Finally the same doctor came out again. Claire and I stood up and raced over to him. "Faith is stable, and she's sleeping." Oh my god! She's okay! The doctor then frown, "Except we might think she lost her memory. We might even think she won't remember her own name. Or unless then there's a miracle, then she just won't remember what has happened today. "

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