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It started to make sense, especially on how fast Katherine had found me. It was because she knew were I was, she knew my father was going to kill my mother. Katherine was no mother, she was my mothers killer.

The only problem was what to do:

A) Run away.

B) Confront her.

C) Keep my mouth shut till I was 18, and get the hell out of this house.

One problem about A is she is more likely to find me in the end. That and where would I go? And where would I get the money to run away? I already used a hundred dollars just to go on my little trip, and that was only a day. Running away a second time meant not coming back. Which would mean a life time of vampire Katherine looking for me.

With C we would most likely get into more arguments, and one day it might slip up. Then I would have to deal with her then. When I would be in no stage to explain.

And with B she's most likely to compel me to forget what I have learn. Although I have my own little stash of vervain I could use.

I glanced back at my clock that said 1:30 a.m. The thought of school came across my mind and the amount of sleep I need for tomorrow. I'll be lucky if I didn't fall asleep in first period, because of lack of sleep.

Then I heard a buzz sound come from my nightstand. I reached over and grabbed my phone and saw I had a new message from Katherine:

Go to sleep Faith, you need it.

But for once in my life time I didn't see Katherine as my mother. I saw who she really was.

A monster and killer.


After a long time of thinking, I decided to go with B and C. I'll just keep quite for a little bit and when the time was right, I would confront her. Once I figure out what I was going to say. Which could take months, but I need to know if I had more family or if she had killed them too.

I haven't been able to fall asleep yet because I've only been thinking of everything. Like how I could never notice it. The dream gave it all away, it gave me the truth. But had she compel me to forget? I pulled my blanket closer to me.

My blanket. It was the blanket. I didn't have it with me tonight and I saw the end. If I had it with me I would have never heard Katherine say what she said. It all makes sense, Katherine had given me the blanket the day after she took me in, well kidnapped me. She must have done something to it.

I got up from the bed with the blanket in my hands and went to my closet. I kneel down to the floor and moved my dirty clothes out of the way that reveal a old box. I pulled the box out and opened it. Inside was my pink dress and my white shoes both covered in dried up blood. My parents blood. I felt a tear go down my cheek as I quickly stuffed the blanket inside. Quickly I closed up the box and shoved it back in my closet.

It was the dress that always made me cry. I remember getting it still, my parents had let me open one present early before my birthday. I had quickly fall in love with the dress and never took it off, until Katherine. She had compel me to stay still so she could get it off. She didn't even bother to wash it, she had just thrown it into the trash. I had cried my eyes out until she took it out and put it in the box. I did the same with the shoes when she tried to throw them away.

Everything with her was a lie. She lied to me for thirteen years, thirteen years living in a giant lie, that involved my life, not her's. Just how many times had she compelled me? Running away seem better every second, then confronting her. I've could've already done this and I don't even know it. She'll find another way for me to forget.

Then my mind came across the thought if Katherine never came in my life and killed my parents. What it would've been like to grow up with them. I could be a different person and wanna do go to school and do well. To have my father go to my school and tell his job. To actually have a father.

Slowly I fell back into a deep sleep.


"Faith! Wake up, or you'll be late for school!" I heard someone yell as they shook me. Katherine. Otherwise known as my parents killers.

I groaned, "Go away Katherine." Maybe I stayed a little to late thinking about things.

"Katherine? You never call me that unless I tell you to." Oh shit. This is why I didn't like plan C, I would slip up! I didn't answer her, and I felt Katherine sit down next to me. "What are you hiding Faith? Your heartbeat went faster when I said that." Damn you vampire hearing and everything that humans don't have.

I finally sat up and got off the bed and went into the bathroom, trying to avoid her question. Only for her to follow me. I turned and faced her, "I need to take a shower! Can I not do that in peace!" I screamed.

She crossed her arms, "Don't avoid my question, what are you hiding? And don't just say it's nothing because you've never acted like this before." That's because I didn't know until now.

"It's nothing important, Mom." I mumbled. Maybe if I'm lucky saying mom might score me a few points out of this.

Katherine uncross her arms and came over to me. She cupped my face in her hands and made sure I was making eye contact. "The vervain should be out of your system by now, and I can easily compel it out of you Faith. So I'm going to ask one more time. What are you hiding?" she repeated.

I cleared my throat and looked at her.

"I know what you did."


It's short I know, but school has been in the way. Anyways who's likes this story?

Also I'll try to post more, but I'm waiting to get at lease a 100 views.



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