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After following a guy into the bathroom and pretending to flit with him to get close to him to satisfy my hunger. He was an ugly truck driver that need a shower and to shave, but he was the first person I could find besides Faith and the girl behind the counter. I didn't plan on killing this guy, because I still need to keep a low profile after everything that has happened with Faith's family. The only thing that I hoped was that Claire was to stay away from Faith. I could handle two helpless humans but not another vampire.

When I was finally close enough to actually compel the truck driver. He tried to touch my breast but I grabbed his hand and snapped it. He tried to scream out in pain but I used my other hand to muffle it. I looked straight into his eyes and started to compel him.

"You're not going to make a sound or move a muscle." I told him as he repeated what I said. I smirked and let go of his hand and brought his neck up to my mouth. I let my fangs enlarge and sank them into his neck. His sweet blood filled my mouth. Satisfying my hunger. I was careful not bleed him out. Just when his heart beat start to slow down, I pulled away. "Forget what happened and wait another five minutes after I leave. Oh and take a shower, you sink."

He nodded at me as I left the bathroom. I quickly went over to the drinks and grabbed a few Arizona Tea's because I knew Faith loves them. I grabbed myself a Vitamin Water and then went over to the snacks. Faith still haven't text me on what she wanted, so I guessed. I just picked the stuff she always ask for like Cheezits, Doritos, and some Goldfish. I still wonder how she never gains any weight from all of this junk food. But because I'm an amazing mother I decided to get her Sour Patch Kids too.

Once I had everything, I went to go check-out. The girl behind the counter looked very young, maybe around Faith's age, maybe a little older. She some what reminded me of Faith expect she had pink her, something I would kill Faith for if she ever did that to her hair. Her name tag said Jessica, and I noticed that her 'work' shirt was cut were I could see the girls belly button. Faith had a shirt like that once until I told her to get rid of it because it made her look like a slut. And no daughter of mine was going to look like a slut even thought Damon says I'm one all the time, but he's Damon.

"Is this all?" she asked me.

I rolled my eyes, 'What else would I be doing I?' I thought to myself. I quickly smiled at the woman, "Yes, that would be all."

While she was ringing up everything, I heard two loud bang come from outside using my vampire hearing. I just thought it was Faith closing the trunk door and closing her door, so I just let it slid. After the girl got all of my stuff together and I paid all for all of it. I quickly walked out of there, only for me to smell something so sweet. Blood. I followed the sweet smell only for it to led me to my own car. Only thing was Faith wasn't any where around here, but the sweet smell was stronger. I opened my door and threw the food inside. I went around back to the trunk as the smell grew impossible. I could even the sharpness of my fangs inside my mouth. Find her first, then find the blood. With one glance down at the dark concrete, I saw a single drop of blood.

I bent down and touched it, the blood was still fresh. Still warm. I heard the voice in the back of my head whispered. The vampire voice. Faith, Faith, find her. She more important. I repeated in my head.

Suddenly the smell, click to something. Someone. I brought my finger that was cover in blood to my nose and took a deep breath. My eyes widen.

I knew this blood. I smelled the blood every time she skinned her knee. When she cut herself with the knife while cutting vegetables for dinner.

It was Faith's blood.



I groaned as I felt my eyelids open to darkness and a massive headache come on. When I tried to move my hands, I couldn't. They won't move. Until I notice that something tight was wrapped around my wrist. My question was why is it so dark? I can't see anything. I brought my bonded hands to my face and felt a piece of cloth over my eyes. A blindfold. I quickly grabbed the cloth and ripped it from my eyes. I glanced around me and it was still dark, yet there was no windows. Then I hit something, hard. I grabbed what ever the stupid hard thing, only to notice it was the same thing that made me blackout.

The memory of Katherine- no Elena, hitting me came flashing back. Oh no. What the hell am I suppose to do! They're not like Katherine, no one will ever be Katherine. She my mother, and nothing is going to change that. Except the part were I kidnapped by Elena, who possible might want revenge on Katherine. Which meant hurting the closing thing to her. Me. Oh my god! There going to kill me! Just like the way Katherine killed Elena's little brother! Although, I must say he was pretty hot. I mean Katherine let me see a picture of him.

Somehow I know I was in a car, I mean I could hear other cars beeping at each other. It wasn't until the car hit a bump and I hit my head on something really hard. Metal. I was in the trunk! How dare they put me in the trunk!

"Damon, are we sure she isn't just one of Katherine's personal feeders?" I heard Kat- no Elena asked. Of course Damon was here, I practically told him I was Katherine's daughter without saying it. That and he loves Elena, same as Stefan. They would do anything for Elena, from what Katherine told me.

"Then what explains the picture Elena? Would Katherine really take a picture with her feeder?" There was a small pause. "She's something to Katherine, I just don't know what."

"She's up you know."

I started to bang on the trunk door, "Please! Let me go! I haven't done anything wrong! I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time!" I screamed.

No one answered me, "What are we going to if she's not who we think she is? Then if she is?"

"We kill her either way."


Ohhhhh snap. I know this story is starting to get interesting. Also I'm sorry that this chapter was short. But I hope you guys like this story. To be honest I think this story is my favorite, and I hope it is yours to.

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