Sweet revenge

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Because it is Halloween🎃, I decided to give you guys a chapter. 😂




I watched as that woman, that was supposedly Faith's mother, carry Faith out of the house. I hurt an innocent girl. Caroline was right, she had nothing to do with Katherine. I had believed Damon to quick. I should've believe myself that she had nothing to do with Katherine. She was just kid that came across Katherine. That went through hell, just like me.

I quickly turned around and faced Damon, "What the hell Damon! You told me she was with Katherine only for her not to be! You feed off a innocent girl, I slapped a innocent girl, and you even put a stake through her leg!" I screamed in his face.

"You wanted to get back at Katherine, for killing Jeremy, and taking everything away from all of us. I thought that girl was the way. Who cares if she dies anyways, she was a selfish brat. Just like Katherine." He answered.

I growled at him and stormed away from him.

~No one's pov~

Katherine stormed back to the Salvatore house with a wooden stake in her hand, ready to kill everyone in that house. She knew she had to get payback for them hurting her little girl.

While Faith was slowly gaining back her strength, and most of her wounds were already healed.

"Faith?" Claire asked. "Are you okay?"

Faith didn't answer. She was still in so much pain, and couldn't found the words to say to Claire. Or do anything, expect remember the pain that Damon brought to her. What they brought to her. She knew she never be the same person she was. Damon had taken that away from her. She was nothing.

Elena, on the other hand, knew she could never forgive Damon or herself for hurting Faith. No matter how much she wanted to kill Katherine, she didn't want to turn into her. What Faith had said was true. She had trailed both of the Salvatore boys. She had started to become Katherine, a monster. While Katherine words repeated through her head, "It's okay to love them both, I did."

Elena sighed and sat down on the couch, and tried to forget what she had done. Soon Stefan sat down next to her, "Please don't tell me you plan on turning off your humanity."

Elena sighed once more, "No, I just feel guilty. She was only a kid. And now I feel like Katherine."

Stefan sighed and rested his arm on my shoulders, "Don't blame yourself, Elena. We all make mistakes, and this is something for sure learn from. I'm pretty sure Faith is okay."

Elena rested her head on his chest, "Lets hope, because I will never be able to forgive myself. I was that girl, who didn't know what to do and was surrounded by blood-sucking monsters."

Katherine soon entered the room unnoticed with the stake hidden away from everyone, "Aw, look at the happy couple. Oh wait that's right, you're not." She chuckled.

Elena and Stefan both got up from the couch quickly and faced Katherine. Just as Damon enter the room too.

"Katherine." All three of them said in a unison.

Katherine smirked, "The one and only... Actually never mind." Katherine look around the Salvatore house, wondering where Caroline and Bonnie were at. "We're missing two people aren't we?"

Both Bonnie and Caroline entered the room staring at Katherine, "No you're not, because we were just leaving." Bonnie announced. Caroline quickly grabbed Bonnie's arm and the two were gone.

Katherine knew right away that either one of them would hurt Faith, and from what she see Caroline had blood on her hands. Although, Caroline wasn't the type to hurt a 16 year old girl. She would do the opposite and help her.

Katherine came closer to the three people in front of her, "Well I guess it's just the four of us."

"What are you going here Katherine?" Elena asked being the first to speak up.

Katherine glanced over at Elena, "What do you think I came here to do Elena? I came here to laugh at all three of you for thinking that, that little girl was my daughter. How stupid could you guys be? What are you going to do next? Kidnap a dog and say it's mine?" she questioned smirking at them.

Damon knew right away what Katherine was doing. She was trying to blame Elena for everything he had done wrong. Damon growled and launched at Katherine, except Katherine snapped his neck before he could touch Katherine.

"Then there was three." Katherine chuckled.

Stefan eyes widen, and did the same as Damon. Instead of snapping his neck Katherine pulled out the stake and shoved it into Stefan chest. Just barely missing his heart. She let go of him as he fell to the floor trying to pull the stake that was shoved into his chest. To put his out of his misery, Katherine snapped his neck.

Katherine smirked, and went to the closest wooden chair and snapped off a piece. Just the right size for a stake. Just right to kill her doppelgänger.

She twirled the stake in her hand, "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way but I'm only going to ask once." Katherine used her vampire speed and was now only a few feet away from Elena. "Who was the one to put the stake through Faith's leg? You?" Katherine asked pointing the stake towards Elena. "Or was it lover boy?" Moving the stake towards Damon's lifeless body.

Elena was about to answer when Katherine held up her hand stopping her, "Wait no, you wouldn't do that. You're too 'sweet'." There was a small pause. "Oh I know, the black eye. Am I right?"

Elena didn't answered her question, "Why do you want to know? Is she your daughter?" She asked.

Katherine growled and could feel herself growing angry. She grabbed Elena's neck and slammed her into the wall. Shoving the stake into Elena's stomach. Causing Elena to cough out blood and groan in pain.

"Don't make ask me again, Elena."


Okay so did you guys like this chapter? Should I write in third person more?






im done


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