What's next?

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I felt someone shaking me, waking me up slowly but surely. I groaned, my mother knows not to wake me up. "Faith, Faith wake up." The person shaking me whispered in my ear. "Come on Faith, wake up. I have a gift to give you."

The word gift, made me open my eyes. But what I saw, scared the hell out of me. It wasn't my mom, it was that crazy lady that said I was her daughter. I quickly sat up and pushed my back to the wall, trying to stay as far away as I could from the woman.

The only thing that worried me, was I didn't know where my mom was at and she said she would be here when I woke up. I glanced around the room looking for her, but I didn't see her. All I could feel was the crazy lady looking at me. "W-where's my mom?" I asked her, scared for dear life.

The lady rolled her eyes, "I'm you're mom, but Claire, you're birth mom, is over there." She then pointed over to the floor. I followed where she was pointing at, and saw my mom's lifeless body.

I let out loud gasp, "Oh my god! You killed her! You're a-" I started but then the woman covered my mouth, stopping me from continuing.

The woman's eyes started to turn into a blood red, as black veins appeared under her eyes. "Don't. Say. It. I don't want to hear it from you too, Faith." She growled, but then she sighed and her eyes went back to normal. The woman then pulled her hand from my mouth. I didn't notice a old, yellowish box on my lap, until she picked it up and held it out in front of me. "Open it." She demanded.

I slowly took the box and just stared at it, "What if I don't want to?" I asked.

She sighed and put her hand on her forehead, "Please, Faith, just opened it. It could change things." She answered.

I looked over at my mothers lifeless body, and could feel a tear start to form. She was dead, my mother was dead and I could be next. I could be this woman's next victim. I looked back up at the lady, "W-w-will you kill m-m-me if I don't?" I cried. I'm to young to die. I would even act like this woman's daughter if it meant living.

The psycho woman shook her head, "No, it's you're choice. Just things may be different if you do open it."

"Okay." I whispered. Slowly I pulled the lid off the box, and the first thing I saw was bloody shoes. The shoes originally looked like they were supposed to be white but the dried blood made them looked red. I glanced up at the woman, "What is this stuff?"

She nodded towards the box, "Just keep looking." I nodded and moved the shoes onto the bed. There was a piece of tissue paper, and I quickly pulled it out. Then I saw a bloody dress. I gasped as I pulled it out. I remember being able to open one birthday present a day before my third birthday. I quickly examined the whole thing, making sure it was the same one. I looked back up at the woman, then at the dress.

Then my whole world froze, and it was like someone hit me in the back of the head with a memory stick. I remember watching my dad killing my birth mom on my birthday. Katherine picking me up and taking me home. Calling her mom everything day, when she took me to my first day of kindergarten. But I also remembered the bad memories, when I found out she compelled my dad to kill my mom. When she put Ashley in the hospital. It all came flying back, even what happened earlier today. With Damon and Elena, falling in the shower, and even when Katherine was gripping my wrist really hard.

After what seem countless hours, my mother spoke up, "Faith," I quickly looked up at her. "Do you remember who I am?" She asked me. Of course I remember who she was, but I wanted to have some fun. After all, she did throw ice cold water on me!

I looked up at her, trying my hardest not to crack a smile, and shook my head, "No."

Katherine opened her mouth to say something but she just closed it. She shook her head in shame, and walked towards the door. She opened the door and was almost out, but I stopped her.

"Mom, wait." Katherine turned around and looked at me. I smiled at her, "I remember who you are. You're Katherine Pierce, my mom." My mother closed the door behind her, "You're also a five-hundred year old vampire, that threw ice cold water on me. Just think of this as playback."

Katherine looked down at the floor and back at me, and smiled. She walked over to me, "You little shit head." I smiled and pulled her into a hug. "I was scared you really didn't remember me." She whispered in my shoulder.

I pulled away from her, "At first, I didn't remember you. But the dress brought it all back, even if some of the memories are bad memories." I looked over at Claire's lifeless body and I pointed at her. "What happened to her?" I asked my mother.

Mom looked over at Claire then back at me, "The little bitch thought you would be better off if you didn't remember me. So I snapped her neck." She told me, and I let out a small chuckled. Then I got all serious. I cleared my throat and looked at my mom with tears starting to form in my eyes. She looked down at me confused and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Hey, what's a matter?"

"W-what happened? I just remember falling and pulling the shower curtain down with me."

Mom sighed, and pushed a piece of hair out of my face, "You crack your head open, and your heart stopped. I was so scared that you were going to turn into a vampire, because you had my blood in your system. But I did CPR on you, and that's what the doctors said that saved your life."

A tear went down my check, "I-I-I almost died?" She nodded. I grabbed the sides of my head, "Oh my god. I could be vampire right now if it wasn't for you." I held my arms out, and my mother pulled me into a hug. "Mommy..." I cried in her chest.

Katherine rest her chin on my head, "Shh, baby girl. You're okay now, I promise."

I started to cry even harder, "Don't leave me, please, Mommy. I thought I was okay, but I'm not. I'm hurting, and now I almost died. All because I took advantage of you, and I'm so so sorry. And... and I love you."

I felt something wet fall onto my head, and I knew my mom was crying too. "I love you too, baby girl." She whispered.


We stayed like that for hours, while I continued to cry my eyes out. To think I could be a vampire right now, a blood sucking monster at sixteen (No offense Mom), but I then remember about three months ago I wanted to become a vampire. The only reason why I wanted to turn into one was because of the compulsion. I wanted to get everything for free. What the hell is wrong with me? I should be thankful that I'm a human.

"Mom?" I asked on shoulder.

Mom pulled away, but kept her arms wrapped around me. She looked down at me, "Yeah?"

"What's going to happen now?"

"Well, first of all, you're grounded." She answered.

My jaw dropped to the floor, "But Mom!" I whined.

Katherine held up her hand, stopping me from continuing. "Don't even start that, Faith. You're grounded because, one: you probably need to stay in bed because of your accident. Two, we're staying here until your head is healed. Lastly, all of my enemies live here in Mystic Falls. It's for your protection, Faith." She explained.

I was still a little confused, "So, this isn't a punishment?"

She shook her head, "No, why would I punish you especially what you just went though?" Mom asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders. Katherine sighed and was scared to ask her next question. She grabbed my hand and just looked down at it, "Faith I need to ask you a question." I nodded for her to continue.

"Do you still want to live me?"

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