I'm so sorry, Mom.

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(also you'll will so love chapter 37, cause like I love it😍)


My mother practically just disowed me. That I wasn't good enough for my own last name. I looked back down in front of me and saw the bloody dress and my stupid blanket. I grabbed the items and threw them against the wall. "Why!" Suddenly a few nurse came rushing in the room, thinking I was hurt or something.

"Miss, are you alright?" All of asked in unison.

"I'm fine, just when can I leave? I don't want to be here." I told all of them.

Most of them all left, but only one stayed, most likely my nurse. The young nurse had on baby blue scrubs and her long red hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. The nurse grabbed the clipboard out of the basket and came over to me.

She smiled at me showing off her white teeth. "Well Faith, do you remember what happened?" The woman asked me and I nodded. "Alright then, well I just have to take a look at your head and run a few test. Then we will see if your good enough to leave."

Wait, did Mom give me her blood while I was asleep? Because one: I haven't felt any pain since I woke up, and two... well that's all I got so far. Oh shit! If Katherine did give me her blood, my head was already healed. Which meant her secret will be out, and if it's out. I'm a dead girl.

"Um... Could we run the test first? I really don't want to mess with my head just yet." I practically begged.

The woman cocked her head, "Are you sure? I mean, I'll just take a quick look and change-"

"I said, I was fine!" I shouted, losing control a little bit.

The nurse jumped back and I could see that she was shaking a little bit. "A-alright, just let me go grab somethings." She mumbled be racing out the room.

I wanted to pull out all of my hair now. I can't control myself, because of Katherine. She taught me to show how I was feeling. Never to hold it in. That the only way I would get over it, was to let it out. Even if it meant hurting someone. She had taught me things that she did, things that made everyone hate her.

Katherine Pierce was a selfish, manipulative, psycho bitch.

And I was just following in her footsteps.

I heard the door open and I saw the same nurse before, but I saw someone else behind her. The nurse looked scared to death and I mean it, she was really pale and she was shaking like a dog. I looked behind her, and saw someone I knew. My throat went dry, "M-mom?" I whispered.

Katherine closed the door behind her and shoved the nurse a little bit. Soon Katherine's curly brown hair came into view. "Sit down." The nurse didn't listen to my mother, and I could see Katherine getting angry. Her eyes started changing and her fangs were now hanging over her lip. "I said sit down, now do it." She demanded. The woman quickly sat down in the chair that was the closest to the door.

"M-mom... What's going on?" I asked. "You said you wouldn't come back, and y-you practically disowned me."

She turned around and flashed me a smile, except it was more evil then anything. "You see Faith, you and me are going a little bit of fun." She chuckled, "Well really just me."

Katherine went closer to the nurse, then it hit me. She was going to feed off the poor nurse. One thing, Katherine has never in front of me was feed. And still didn't want to see it. I quickly sat up, and was about to hop out off the bed but Katherine appeared in front of me.

"No," she growled. "Your going to sit your little ass there." Mom even chuckled, "May this will teach you a lesson, then we'll see if your worthy enough to be a Petrova." I never considered myself as a Petrova, it was too fancy for my liking... That and I can't say it right, it just doesn't roll of my tongue like it does for her.

I gulped and just nodded, Katherine smirked and walked towards the nurse again. I looked back towards my arm and the IV. I grabbed the needle and closed my eyes and slowly pulled it out. I also grabbed the IV and held it in my hand. Doing this all without Katherine noticing. I heard her compelling the girl, not to scream nor move.

I held the tube tightly and got up quickly. I walked towards my mother and stabbed the tiny needle into her neck. I knew that what I was doing was a death wish and I know that Katherine drinks vervain every day. Plus I know that, it won't take long before she wakes up, that's if I'm successful.

She quickly turned around and threw me off of her. Katherine's eyes trail the IV tube to the vervain filled water, and looked back at me. "You little bitch!" She screamed.

Katherine slowly started coming closer to me, while I scooted back. I tried fighting back the tears but they won in the end. "I'm so sorry, Mom." I cried.

Soon Katherine was right over me, "You are so dea-" Next thing I knew she was falling to the ground. I looked behind her and saw that the nurse had drop a pot over her head.

I quickly stood up and looked at the nurse, "Oh my god, why did you do that!" I yelled at her.

"She was about to kill you! A simple 'Thank you' would be nice!" She fired back. She kinda was right, my mother would have killed me

I looked back my mother. The longest she probably be out is a half an hour to a hour, that gets me plenty of time to get out of here and take us to Mrs. Flowers house. That's if I'm lucky. "I need you to get us out of here." I whispered.

The nurse had a blank look, "What?"

"I need your help on getting us out of here... Please." I begged.

The nurse pointed at my unconscious mother, "After what she just did to you? Hell no I'm not, first I'm calling the cops."

Suddenly I realize something, Katherine compelled her to stay still, yet she moving around. Either she was also a vampire, or she takes vervain. There was only one way to found out, ask her.

"Are you a v-" Nope not a vampire. She must drink vervain then. Or is extremely lucky.

"Am I what?" She asked.

"Do you drink vervain?" I blurted out.

The woman froze, unsure of what to say. "Um.. What are you talking about?" Jackpot.

I smirked and crossed my arms. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. So I suggest you get me and my mother out of here before she wakes up." I demanded.

The woman sighed, "Fine, but first I have to find clothes for you." She answered.

"Hurry." I snapped. The nurse quickly ran out the room. I looked down at my mother and kneel down her. "I'm so sorry, Mom. I just really hope you can forgive me." I whispered. Just hoping she could hear me, begging for her to not hate me.



Where are you guys from? 😂

and are you a guy or a girl?

^^cause I wanna know where my readers are from😊



(and yes, I know this story is starting to get off topic, but if I didn't this story will already over😂😂)

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