Coming Back

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I've been sitting here for the pass ten minutes with Claire, with her continuously asking if I was okay. I never answered her. Just because she got me out of that house didn't make her my mother. It just lowered my hate towards her. I could still feel the pain in my leg even though it was healed, thanks to my mothers blood.

The memory of Damon stabbing the stake thought my leg, just kept repeating over and over. I just wanted it to stop. I just wanted the world to stop. I just wanted to die. The ground was the only thing I saw. I saw me six feet in the ground.

It wasn't until I heard both my mothers voices that brought me back to the real world. I didn't even look up to see my mothers. I could just feel her presents.

"There you are! Faith won't say anything and I'm freaking out!" Claire yelled, and there was a pause. "I'm thinking I did something wrong and that's why she won't say anything, but you know..." I heard her trail off.

"Look," My mother started. "She'll be okay, it's just going to take time." There was a small pause, and my mother continued "After I get her bracelet back on her wrist, you can do me and Faith a favor and get her blanket washed. But I understand if you don't, it would just be easier. Okay?"

I didn't hear Claire answer, expect her footsteps disappear into thin air. I heard a loud sigh come from my mother as her loud footsteps came closer to me.

She got right in front of me and kneel down, just like Claire had a few minutes before. But unlike Claire, she took my hand. I flinched thinking she might hurt me, but then I remember this was Katherine Pierce, my mother. Who would kill herself before hurting me. I forced myself to look up from ground at her.

When I was barely conscious, I never saw her. Only heard her. I haven't seen her in what felt like months. Elena might look exactly like her, but she was a bitch. Katherine was only that sometimes, unlike Elena.

Katherine held up my bloody blanket with my bracelet in the middle, and tried to smile. Keyword tried. My mother wasn't the best at smiling especially at times like this. "I believe this belongs to you." I watched as she took my bracelet out of the blanket, while I heard sizzling like bacon was cooking. I knew it was because of the vervain inside the bracelet that was causing the sound. Katherine should have been in so much pain, but she ignored it. She hooked the bracelet together on my wrist and looked back at me.

We sat there in silence and soon my bracelet became my best friend and I started to play with it. Until my mother took both of my hands, pulling my attention away from the bracelet and making me look back at her again.

"Faith, please, say something. I know you're hurting, but I can't do anything thing if you don't say anything."

Suddenly I broke inside. It was like the wall that was holding all of my emotions collapsed. The pain, and hate towards Damon and Elena. But most of all, the love towards my mother. I was regretting everything I had put her though.

The tears came pouring out before I could stop them, "I'm sorry." I cried as I pulled her into a tight hug.

My mother started to rub my back as I cried harder on her shoulder. "Shh, baby girl. I'm right here. No one is going to lay a finger on you without going though me. What they did to you, was sick even for a vampire." She whispered in my ear. I slowly nodded in her shoulder.


We stayed like that for what seemed like hours. Well until no more tears came, and when Claire told us we better get moving before the others woke up. But my mother never left my side. She just lifted me up and moved me over to the other side of the car.

Katherine actually let Claire drive her car, because she didn't want to leave me. I kept my head on her chest as she had one of her arms around me.

"Where are we going?" Claire asked.

"To the same place I went to when I was here." My mother answered.
I know this is really short, but can you guess what place Katherine is talking about? Hint: Season two.
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