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I froze. They were going to kill me. Oh. My. God. They're going to kill me! I was going die! I can't die! I'm to young to die! I felt the car come to a stop and heard two doors open and close. Loud footsteps stepping on gravel came closer to me. Then the trunk door opened revealing Damon and Katherine's doppelgänger, Elena. She looked exactly like Katherine, the face, skin tone, and even the how the hair was styled expect Elena had red highlights in her hair. No wonder many people mistaken Katherine for Elena so many times, there was nothing different. Damon, well Damon looked like Damon. The two of them were both glaring at me, wanting me to say something. Here comes all of Katherine's little lessons.

I felt a tear form in my eyes, "Please. I'm begging you, let me go." I begged.

Elena was the first to speak up, "How old are you?" she asked me.

"S-sixteen. Please. I just got my drives license a few months ago and my parents pissed me off so I ran off. I then ran into that woman and she kidnap me. She told me I looked like someone she used to love. I just want to go home." I explained to them. From the looks of it Elena bought it, but Damon not so much.

Damon tapped the side of his jaw, "Then how do you explain the fact that you were in her house, and then when you came with her to my house?" he questioned me.

"S-she said I couldn't leave her house, she did something to me and I couldn't leave. Then when we went to your house, a few days before I tried to run away, and she didn't want to risk me running again so she took me along." I answered. Well at least not all of that was a lie, I just might have changed a few details but still.

Elena turned and faced Damon, "See she's just a kid, Damon. Who just happened to come across Katherine, that's it. No need to kill her, just compel her and get her to forget about us."

"Wait hang on." Damon then disappear to the front. I heard the car door open and then slammed back closed. He came back to the truck and I could tell he was holding something behind him. "If what you're saying is true, then you won't mind if I did this." Then he pulled the mystery item from behind him. My heart sunk. It was my blanket. The one Katherine gave me. The one I've had since I was I little girl.

Damon held the blanket out in front of him and grabbed each end of the blanket. Oh no. He was going to rip it! Slowly I heard a low tearing sound. He can't rip that!

"No! Stop!" Real tears were now going down my cheeks. "Please stop!" I cried out. Damon smirked at me as he threw the blanket in the trunk on top of me. I quickly grabbed it the best I could with my bond hands and brought it close to me.

"See Elena, lies on top of lies. Katherine would've trained her for something like this. Katherine isn't that stupid to do that." I heard Elena let out a loud sigh as she walked away. I would've thought Damon would follow, but he didn't. He came closer to me.

"Please, don't hurt me."

He chuckled, "Oh little girl, didn't you hear? It's Opposite Day." Damon was close enough, that he could just grab me and of course he did just that. He pulled my shirt high enough where I was under his chin. Slowly his eyes turned into the blood thirsty red and his large fangs hang over his bottom lip. "This is going to hurt a lot." He brought his lips closer to my neck, and I felt his warm breath on my neck. Oh no. He's going to feed off of me!

Without warning his sinks his fangs in my neck, draining the blood from me. As a loud scream escapes my lips.


No no no! I was so stupid! I should have never let her out her by herself! I knew it wasn't safe!

I tried to look around to find any more blood trails but I found nothing. I had nothing. She was gone. My little girl was gone. The only person that made me happy was gone, just like my daughter. She was missing and I didn't know where to look. Then it hit me. The trunk.

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