We're going to Mystic Falls

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+One Month Later+


After seeing Katherine go all vampire mood, I've keep my distance and done what she's asked and not argue. We started the home schooling right after the incident, and believe me. I actually wish I still went to public school. Katherine and work don't mix well together. She pushes really hard with all the work, but explains it better then most of my old teachers. Right now I was actually studying for my history test. She's been giving me a test every week, and if I was to fail even just one of them I was to redo them. This was my third time taking it, and I had two test to make up already. Without having drama or art has been making me only focus on all my class work. She also cut my lunch short to 15 minutes so we could get more things done. As of right now I had a D in all of my classes except History that I was still failing and with English I have a C. Which I'm actually proud of. I've went back to calling Katherine mom again, and I dropped wanting going back to Rosewood to meet Hanna and my uncle whoever the hell he was.

Ashley got out of the hospital a week after the accident but they make her come and check her 'concussion'. I wanted to see her in the hospital but mom wouldn't let me. Even durning the weekends, she made those days mommy and daughter days, which by the way I hate, or I have to study those days. But sometimes I just talk to Ashley on my phone without Katherine knowing. I think. With her hearing,, I never know if she knows or if she is just playing with me.

Suddenly my door flew revealing Katherine, "Pack a bag, we need to go to Mystic Falls." What the hell?

+A few minutes before+


I was in the kitchen flipping though a magazine and making sure Faith was actually studying, because I was tried of giving her the same test for history. Every other class she's pass the test I've given her, even math! She even has a D in it! But with history she was failing, my question was how. I mean I'm five hundred years old and they teach all of the stuff I've been through, and yet she is still failing.

Then I heard my phone go off, I groaned and reached for the phone. I looked at the screen and saw Damon's name, I sighed and answered the phone. "What do you want, Damon?" I asked annoyed.

"We need your help. Elena turned off her emotions and we can't get it back on." he answered. Of course little Elena gets all the attention, especially when she flips the switch. I couldn't blame her though, I mean her family is dead because of her. I was close to turning everything off when I found my family all dead, but I held on. I held on to my missing daughter that I never found. Until Faith. She's my anchor that holds me together, even though sometimes she's a pain in the ass.

I smirked, "The Salvatore brothers need MY help? Since when?" I questioned.

"Since your doppelgänger turned off her humanity. Now are you going to help or not?" He snapped.

I rolled my eyes, "You don't need to get all snappy, but sure. I think it's about time I pay my delightful doppelgänger a visit anyways."

"Well can you hurry up and get here, she's already tried to kill Caroline."

"I'll get there when I get there." I snapped as I hung up on him. Then I quickly remember about Faith, I can't leave her here and risk her going to Rosewood to meet her stupid cousin and uncle. But I had taken her keys, but Ashley did get a new car and Faith could just ask her to take her.

That only leaves one option take her with me as much as I don't want to and risk her life. But I need her to stay safe, and leaving her here won't help. I quickly went to her room and opened the door. Faith looked shocked to actually see me burst into her room. Especially at this time.

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