Being there for her

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"Mama?" She mumbled. I sighed in relief. She was still alive, we still had a chance. I still had a chance. I quickly moved my hand to the stake that was sticking out of her leg, but she shook her head. I knew right away she didn't want me to take it out, she wanted Katherine to. She didn't trust me yet, but I knew that would change after this.

I quickly moved my hands away from the stake and moved one to under her legs and another behind her head. I tried to pick her up, but something stopped me. I looked down at her wrist and saw chains were attached to them. I placed her back down on the floor, and followed the chains, that were connect to the brick wall. I didn't even bother to ask for a key, because I knew they would want answers. Instead, I ripped the chains from the wall and picked her up again. Expect her eyes were closed again.

"Faith! Keep your eyes open!" I yelled at her.

She groaned, "But it hurts, everything hurts." She choked. She some what opened her eyes again, and I took that chance and ran out of the house. I went straight to Katherine's car, to see Katherine still standing there.

"I thought you were suppose to come in after me." I snapped.

Katherine ignored my questioned and raced over to me. She quickly took Faith out of my arms and ran back to the back seat, where she opened the door and placed Faith inside. She laid her down where her head was facing the other door and her legs were hanging out the door. I went over to the side and watched what Katherine was going to do.

"Faith, listen to me. I'm right here-"

"Mom?" Faith interrupted. I saw a tear escape Katherine's eyes.

"Yes, baby I'm right here." Katherine grabbed Faith's hand, with the chains still attached to her wrist, and placed her other hand on the stake that was still stuck in her skin. "Don't let go, sweetheart."

I saw Katherine rip the stake out of Faith's leg, as Faith let out a loud scream. Loud enough for people miles away to hear, and bones snapping like twigs. A lot more blood came spilling out of Faith's leg. As Katherine grabbed something from the floorboard, which I think was a cloth of some type and pressed it on Faith's open wound. Trying to stop the bleeding. Katherine then brought her wrist up to her mouth and bit into it. My eyes widen. Do she want to turn Faith into a vampire!

Katherine started to bring her bloody wrist to Faith's mouth, but I quickly reached into the car and pulled her hand away.

"What the hell are you doing! Are you trying to turn her into a vampire!" I screamed in her face.

She quickly grabbed my shirt and slammed me into the car, "I'm trying to save my daughter, and giving her my blood will help. And don't ever, ever say something like that to me again. I'm not that stupid to put my daughter's life at risk when giving her my blood and risk her turning into a vampire. She's strong enough to handle it." She hissed at me and went back to Faith. She bit into her wrist again, and put it into Faith's mouth. When she pulled her wrist away, she put her hand back on the cloth and went back to putting pressure on.

Slowly her black eye started to heal back to normal. With Katherine's broken hand, that was already healing, she touched Faith's head tilted it so she could see the bite mark on her neck. Katherine just stared at it while it started to heal too.

She finally pulled away from Faith and looked at me, "Keep pressure on her wound, until you know it's healed. I'm going to kill every vampire that is in that house, for even laying a finger on her." I nodded as Katherine went back to Faith and grabbed her arms, that still had the chains attached to them. She was able to rip the chains off of Faith without hurting her, and then she was gone.

I quickly went to the spot Katherine was standing at, and put pressure back on Faith's leg.


I know this chapter is really short, but I going to go slow with this part. Although next chapter will be better👌

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