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The nurse came back five minutes later, the only thing I've been able to do was get Katherine in a seat in those five minutes. But damn, Katherine is heavy. Like seriously what the hell does she eat? Besides blood?

Anyway, I looked at the clothes that the nurse brought me. She had some dark jeans and 'Mystic Falls Grill' shirt. (My first souvenir from Mystic Falls! Note the sarcasm.) They actually were not that bad, except the fact the t-shirt she got me had a hole that could be close to my boobs. Lucky me, she had a gray sweatshirt.

I quickly ran into the bathroom and changed into the clothes. Just like I expected, the hole did show off my boob. After I slipped on the sweatshirt, you didn't even notice. Once I had the clothes on I threw the hospital gown in the trash and went back into the room.

"Look, I was able to sign you out. I'll help get her," She pointed at Katherine. "Out of here, but that is as far as I will go."

I went over to Katherine and pat her down her until I found her car keys. "Okay, but let me pull her car up." I told her. I was about to leave the room, until the nurse stopped me.

She grabbed my arm and turned me around. "You shouldn't be driving, Faith. Your head injury isn't something you play with."

I pulled my arm out of her gasp, "I have too, I'm risking so much just talking to you. If my mother knew, both of us would be dead. Please, let me do this."

The nurse nodded, "Okay." The young girl turned and faced Katherine. "But if she wakes up, I'm dropping another pot on her head."

I shook my head, "It won't work, you just got lucky." I went over to the window and closed the curtains. I went back over to Katherine and took off her daylight bracelet. I held it out and handed it to her, "She won't be able to leave the room without this." I went by the door again and looked back at my mother then at the nurse. "I'll be back."

I quickly pulled the hood over my head and went over to the elevator. I called it and looked back at my room and saw the nurse just staring down at Katherine. I heard the elevator ding, telling me it was here. I sighed and walked into it and pushed the lobby button.

Once the elevator opened, I quickly raced out of the elevator and out the hospital. After I got to the parking lot, I press the alarm on the keys. A loud beeping sound echo throughout the air. Slowly I followed the sound, until I came face to face with my moms car.

"Sweet!" I exclaimed and unlocked the car. I got in the car, when I heard banging coming from the back.

"Katherine! Let me out of here, you bitch!" I heard someone yell out from the trunk. I looked at the back sit, in confused. Slowly I climbed out of the car and made my way to the trunk. I unlocked the trunk and the trunk flew open.

I jumped back and fell to the ground. "What the hell!" I screamed.

Whatever the hell, looked over at me. "Faith?" It took me a few seconds to realize that it was Claire. I sighed and stood up, and pulled the hood down. Claire quickly got out of the trunk and came over to me. She rested her hands on my shoulders, "Faith what the hell are you doing out here! Your suppose to be inside, resting!"

I pushed her hands off of me, "Quit the motherly act, Claire. I remember who is my mother and who isn't." I paused and looked back at the hospital. "I need your help, getting my mother in the car."

Claire looked at me confused, "Katherine? Why would she need help getting into the car?"

I hugged myself, "I might have knocked her unconscious, and really need help." I looked over at a clock, "I don't have much time until she wakes up. Please, Claire help me."

"Fine." She came over to me and took the keys out of my hands. "But you're not driving."

I smiled and went over to passengers side and climbed into the car. Claire climbed into the drivers side and started the car.


Claire parked the car in front of the hospital, and got out. I was about to get out, but she stopped me. "You're staying in the car, I'll get Katherine." She was about to leave but I grabbed her arm.

Claire quickly turned around and looked at me. "Can you gather my stuff that's on the floor? Like my blanket and the dress you got me when I was three."

She nodded, "I'll get it, just stay in here." Claire was about to walk away but turned around looked back at me. "Also don't let anyone in." Then she was gone.

"No duh, sherlock."


Soon after what seem like hours, I saw Claire pushing Katherine, who was in a wheelchair. In her lap, I saw a very familiar box in her lap. I was about to get out of the car but Claire shook her head, stopped me from doing so. I unlocked the doors and Claire opened the back door. She picked Katherine out of the seat and placed her inside the car. Claire pushed Katherine all the way into the car, before closing the door. She went back to the wheelchair and pushed it back inside the hospital.

After Claire got ruin of the chair she came into the car. The second she got in the car she looked at me, "What you did with that nurse was stupid Faith. Especially taking Katherine's daylight bracelet and giving it to her."

I crossed my arms, "I thought I was doing the right thing." I mumbled.

Claire looked back at Katherine, then at me. "We better hurry, I think she's about to wake up. Dropping that pot on her head wasn't enough to keep her out for a hour. Maybe 30 minutes." She looked at the clock on the dashboard. "Which means we have about ten minutes."

"Ten minutes before all hell breaks lose."


Even though it's my birthday, I have you guys two chapters.

Hope you like them!😊

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