Chapter 1

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I was sat at a table with Spencer, who has been my best friend for years. Spencer was on his phone, whilst I couldn't help but daydream about the person that I have a crush on, in fact I was even looking at him. Too bad he was sitting at a different table. I smiled at how good looking he was. However, looks isn't the only thing that attracts me to a person, personality is very important.

He has dark brown hair, a handsome face with chocolate brown puppy dog eyes. He has big beautiful, soft looking lips. With those lips I'm sure he's an amazing kisser, I bet everyone wants to be kissed by those lips. I envy the person who is lucky enough to kiss them.

He turned around and looked at me with a smile, I quickly turned away with a slight blush on my cheeks.

I looked at Spencer to see that he was still on his phone, I sighed. My gaze then returned to looking at Brendon, my crush. Next to him sat a girl with long brown hair and blue eyes. She was beautiful, but I wasn't attracted to her in the way I was attracted to Brendon. I could hear him flirting and she was giggling in return. He would never want to be with me, besides he's probably straight. All the hot guys I like are usually straight.

Someone kept poking my shoulder, presumably Spencer. I try to ignore him just like he had been doing to me earlier when he was on his phone. I then felt him smack my shoulder, I jump and rub my arm as I take my gaze off of Brendon.

"Ow! What do you want?"

I turn my head, whilst I crane my neck to face Spencer. Spencer grinned when he finally got my attention.

"Ryan, stop staring at Brendon, you're probably creeping him out."

"He's too busy talking to someone to notice me."

Spencer rolled his eyes, "are you jealous of her?"

I shook my head. Spencer gave me the kind of look that said oh really?

"Fine, maybe I'm a little jealous."

Spencer laughed, then looked at his phone again. I looked over his shoulder to see what he was doing. He was texting someone.

"Who are you texting?" I asked.

"My girlfriend" he said with a smile.

"Since when did you have a girlfriend?"

"Since yesterday, the day you were ill"

"Wow, why does stuff always happen when I'm ill? So, what's her name?"


The bell rang, meaning lunch was over. People started hurrying to their classes, and then there was some people who were talking their time because they didn't care about being late. I picked my books up and started heading to class. The class I was going to was maths, it isn't my favourite subject, but I guess I'm good at it.

"Hey fag. Get over here" Pete demanded.

Shit. Keep walking. Don't look back. Pretend you don't hear him.


My breathing started to get faster, as my heart pounded. I keep walking, my head down in an attempt  to avoid any eye contact. Just ignore him and he might leave me alone, that's what I keep telling myself but I know he won't leave.

"Ryan you fag, get over here!" Pete yelled even louder.

Then all of a sudden I  felt my arm being yanked. My body is pulled around and pinned up against a locker.

"Oh look, it's the gay kid. Why did you miss first period?" Brent asks.

Pete used to be my friend in 6th grade, along with Brent, but we drifted apart and then they became assholes. They used to be kind, but I'm not sure what happened to that. Well now that I think about it, Brent has always been an asshole

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