Chapter 19

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Ryan's POV
Brendon parked his car in the school park.

"I'll see you later darling" Brendon said.

"Can I get a kiss first?"

Brendon leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back. I love the feeling of his lips on mine so much, they're big and soft which makes him a great kisser. I cupped his cheeks. I could feel his smile into the kiss. After a minute or so I pulled away.

"I'll see you at lunch babe."

"Can you walk me to registration?" I asked.

"Sure, I mean our registration rooms are two rooms away from each other."

Smiling, I got out the car and linked my arm with Brendon's.

• • •

It was now lunch time and I hadn't seen Brendon since this morning.

Today has been weird, a lot of people have been laughing at me in the hallway. I don't know why they've been laughing at me. I've tried thinking why they could be laughing at me, but nothing comes to mind.

Brendon, Spencer and Jon were all sat at the usual table. However, Brendon was crying. If someone hurt him they better watch out. I sat down next to Brendon only to receive a death glare from Jon. Okay then.... what did I do now?

"Brendon, are you okay?"

He nodded his head.

"You sure?"

"I'm fine."

"You're crying, so something is obviously up. What happened?"

"I told you, I'm fine."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"None of your business" Spencer responded.

Something was up with Spencer too.

"Ryan, why don't you leave us the fuck alone and go find another table to sit at" Spencer snapped.

I tilted my head in confusion, what was going on? What did I do? Why do they all of a sudden hate me? And why is Spencer angry at me, he doesn't usually talk to me like this.

"Guys...don't you think we're being a bit mean?" Jon said.

"Jon shut the fuck up, and you think we're being mean? Well this isn't near the amount of meanness Ryan deserves."

Jon was a bit taken back.

"You should go" Brendon said.

I got up and moved to an empty table.

Perhaps they were just having a bad day and need some time to cool off. Hopefully.

The bell rang and I got up, I was about to head to class but Jon stopped me.

"Look, I shouldn't be talking to you, but I just can't believe what they're saying. Did you really post that video of you and Brendon having sex?"

My face turned pale, and my eyes widened. Someone recorded us. My eyes started filling with tears. How could someone do this? Who the hell would record us? Why do they think I posted the video? How did the person record us?

"Ryan? Earth to Ryan," Jon said whilst waving a hand in front of my face.

"I didn't post that."

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