Chapter 12

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I picked Brendon up bridal style.

"PUT ME DOWN!!!!" He yelled.

I shook my head, only to receive a groan from Brendon, which made me giggle. I walked outside with him still in my arms, he tried to make me put him down by squirming and kicking, but it didn't work.

"Why are you carrying me?"

"Because you're short."


"You are" I said with a giggle afterwards.

'I'm not" He screeched.

"But you are."

"Maybe to you I'm short, but that's because you're a flipping giant."

"Ummm.....I'm not that tall, I'm 5,10 and your 5'7, so you are short. If you think that I'm a giant you should go take a look at Dallon Weekes."

"Three inches taller. Also, I still have time to grow unlike you, you old person".

"I'm not old, I'm only a year older. You're still short though and I also have time to grow too, so hah."

"Fuck you."

"Well, I mean if you want to."

"I hate you" He said.

"Awww, I love you too, shortie."

"Shut up" He said.

"Make me."

He gently pulled my face closer to him, then pressed his lips against mine, making me blush. After a moment or so, I put Brendon down and kissed him. He pulled my shirt to move me closer to him, so there was no space between us. I could feel the beating of his heart against my chest. My hand rested below his ear, my thumb caressing his cheek. The world seemed to fade away, and it felt as if it was only the two of us in the world. I could feel the younger male smile into the kiss, and it made me happy to know he was happy.

It's funny how we went from two strangers who passed each other in the hallway to him being my crush, and now this beautiful human being is my boyfriend. I can already imagine our wedding. I can't wait to leave school and get a house with Brendon so I can wake up next to his beautiful face everyday. Maybe we'll adopt kids, or have our own if it's somehow possible for a male to be pregnant in the future. Okay, maybe I'm thinking too ahead.

I pulled away, Brendon tilted his head in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's just we need to go get slushes."

"We don't have to."

"Yes we do, I need slushes in my body."

"You mean you need my dick in your body."



• • •

"What flavour do you want?" He asked.

"The blue kind.•

He poured a red slushy for him and a blue slushy for me. We then walked up to the till to pay for them.

"Wait, I almost forgot something."

I picked up some cheese whiz.

"Did you get crisps?" Brendon asked.

"No, but I got cheese whiz."

"Hey handsome" the girl at the till said, she looked about our age.

"Thank you, you're quite good looking yourself" Brendon said.

"Not you, him" she said whilst pointing at me.

Oh. Not her.


"Remember me? We used to have English and maths together in fourth year."


"We dated a few months in first year."

"Still don't remember you."

The girl sighed.

"That will be a fiver."

Brendon was about to get his money from his pocket but I stopped him.

"I'll pay" I said.

"No it's okay."

"I'm paying."

"You paid last time... and the time before that" he said.

"But I like paying for you. If it was anyone else then I would let them pay."

I then handed the girl the money, she looked a bit jealous. A smile crept onto Brendon's face, Oh no, was was he thinking now? Brendon pecked me on the lips. I looked at the girl and she shook her head, she made her hands into fists. She huffed and I couldn't help but laugh.

When we got out of the shop Brendon said "Ryan, do you really not remember her?"

"I do remember her, I just said that so things wouldn't get anymore awkward, but you kissed me in there so things did get more awkward."

"Did you use to date her?"


"Wow, two exes, I hope I don't become one of them. How many more exes do you have?"

"I'd rather not speak about them, because you're more important. Also, I didn't know what love was until I met you."


Brendon's phone buzzed.

"I've got to go. My mum is home."

"Okay, But first can I have a goodbye kiss?"



Brendon then put his lips against mine. I kissed back, then we broke away.

"Ryro, I'm not giving you a goodbye kiss, because you're coming home with me. No way am I letting you go back to the monster at your house."

I felt my heart melt at what he had just said. This is one of the reasons why I love him, he's so kind.

"But what if your mum doesn't want me at your house."

"She'll have to deal with it wether she likes it or not."

I smiled.

I feel as if I put too much speech in this.

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