Chapter 11

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I felt someone tap me, I decided to ignore them.

"Ryan wake up."

"Five more minutes" I groaned.

This time the person shook me until I opened my eyes. I took in my surroundings, I was still in Jon's bathroom. He had a nice bathroom. I looked up to see Jon with a concerned look on his face. I sat up and leaned against the bath tub, whilst I rubbed my eyes.

"Ry, why are you still here? The party ended nine hours ago."

"I'm sorry, I'll just leave."

"No it's fine, you can stay a bit longer. Also, why did you lock yourself in here? It was hard to unlock the door."

"Uhh...I must of fell asleep whilst having the toilet."

"Bitch don't lie to me."

"I just needed to get away from everyone."

"Oh, I'm guessing you didn't have much to drink and you didn't have any weed."


"Really though, what's up?"

"Brendon is in love with someone else."

"Ryan are you fucking stupid? He's so obviously in love with you, in fact he told me and Spencer that he wanted to ask you to be his boyfriend, so he came to us so we could help him with a plan."

"But Pete said-"

"I don't care what Pete said, he's full of lies."

"So why did Brendon leave then?"

"I don't know, why don't you go ask him instead of believing Pete?"

"Okay, I'll go right now."

"What about breakfast? Don't you want cereal? I have lots of milk and a huge variety of different kinds of cereals."

"Sorry, But Brendon is more important than food."

"But you need food to live."

"And I also need Brendon in my life to live."

"Whatever dude."

"See ya."


Before leaving I took my phone out of my pocket to check the time, it's was eleven in the morning. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and ran downstairs. I walked outside to be welcomed by a soft breeze against my face. I ran all the way to Brendon's house, it didn't take me too long to get there since he lived ten minutes away.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to open it. Five minutes had past and there was no answer, so I tried the door handle. The door opened, why would they leave the door unlocked? Some thief could come and steal all of their stuff, they might even steal Brendon. If someone kidnapped Brendon then I don't know what I would do without him, I would probably cry myself to sleep whilst eating Cheese whiz. I would try to find him but I'd much rather leave that job to the police, because the thief might have a gun and I'm not ready to die yet, at least wait five more years.

I slowly walked in the house.


There was no answer. He's probably not in, or he could still be asleep. I want to go look around the house for him, but that would be intruding and I could go to jail for that.
I'll have a quick look anyway.

I walked into the living room to see Brendon sitting down on the couch.

"Go away."

"Wait I need to ask you something."

"Why couldn't you just text me instead?"

"Because I'd much rather talk to you face to face."

"What is it then?"

"Why did you leave the party without telling me? I thought I was staying over last night."

"What do you think George."

I bit my lip when he said George.

"I don't know."

"I thought you had feelings for me, but obviously I was wrong."

"But I do."

"Then why the fuck did you fuck some girl?"

"What?!? That did not happen, besides I'm as straight as a rainbow."

"Well how come three people told me?"

"Who told you that?"

"Pete, Sarah and the girl you fucked."

"That's funny because Pete told me you were in love with Sarah."

"I'm not."

"Pete must be trying to destroy our relationship, and he must of got the other two to help him."

"Oh....I'm sorry Ry."

"It's okay, at first I thought Pete was telling the truth, but then Jon told me."

Thank god for Jon, our lord and saviour.

"What did Jon say?" He asked.

"He said you wanted to be my boyfriend."

Brendon's entire face went red, I smiled.

"Awww, Bren you're blushing."

"No I'm not."

"You are."

I walked over to him and planted a kiss on his head. I sat down on his lap. He put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

"Soooo, do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yes!" Brendon said without hesitation.

Brendon tried to kiss my head like I did to him, but he was too short. Brendon pouted, and I laughed at him.

Then all of a sudden he pushed me onto the couch, and climbed on top of me. He pressed his lips against mine

I kissed him back as he bit my bottom lip, making me moan into the kiss. His lips traced my neck, kissing under my jaw. With his hands grabbing at my hips, it wasn't long until my knees started to go weak. He pulled my shirt off and did the same with his.

• • •

Brendon got off of me leaving me in a panting mess. I pouted when he was finished.

"Did you enjoy that Ryro?"

I nodded my head with a smile, which caused him to smirk.

"But please don't call me Ryro."


I stood up and put my clothes back on, so did Brendon.

"Can we go get some slushes Ryro?"


"Why not?"

"Because you called me Ryro."

"But ryro is a good nickname, it's better than some."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, let's go get slushes."

That 'hah' at the end of the last chapter was a bit mean, so hopefully this chapter made it up for it.

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