Chapter 13

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"Well are you ready, Ray?"


"How bout you, Frank?"

"Oh I'm there baby."

"How bout Mikey."

"I'm fucking ready."

"Well I think I'm alright."

Welcome back 🌝

Most of the time the dream world is better than the real world. Sometimes the dream world would come to the real world, but you're most likely high when that happens, unless you're an extremely lucky person. Sometimes I dream that I moved away with my mum, and how life could've been better. On the other hand it wouldn't be complete without Brendon, so I'm kind of glad I didn't move with my mum. In another few of my dreams Pete, Brent and my dad don't exist, also Brendon and I are happily married. Sometimes weird shit happens in my dreams, like me kneeling in the bathtub whilst getting milk shoved up my ass, that is a dream I'd never like to remember. There is much weirder dreams than that one, but that dream is the most scarring, I couldn't drink milk for about two months because It made me want to throw up.

The nightmares I have is just an exaggerated version of my reality, more bad things happen in them.

"I love you Ryro" Brendon said sleepily.

"I love you too Bren."

Brendon nuzzled into my shoulder. Gently, he kissed my neck. He put his arms around me, this is the safest I've felt in years. When I sleep at my dad's house I always feel terrified in case he would come in and try to stab me in the back, or something like that.

After a few minutes I could feel his body go limp and I smiled, cradling him to my chest. He was so adorable when he was asleep, but then again he's always adorable.

"Goodnight Bren" I whisper quietly.

I feel this blackness come over me. Like a blanket. But somehow it's making my eyes feel heavier and heavier. I finally close my eyes, sending me into a deep sleep.

• • •

"Oh my gosh" someone said, which was then followed by some high pitched squealing.

"My brother has a boyfriend, and I thought he was going to be single forever."

Leave human, you're interrupting my valuable sleep.


Shut the fuck up, no one cares. I think Brendon should get a lock for his bedroom door, so then no one can disturb us whilst we sleep.

I then felt something wet on my skin. I opened my eyes to see Brendon's little sister holding a water pistol in her left hand. Brendon slowly opened his eyes and let out a groan.

"Get out!" Brendon yelled whilst throwing a sock at her, the sock missed her.

"Get up and I might consider getting out. By the way I think you two are cute together."

"Why are you in here?"

"Because it's time to wake up."

"Well I'm up now, so can you please leave."

"No, you need to stand up before I leave."


"Do you want me to leave or not?"

She then sprayed her water gun at us again. Why is she spraying this at me? What did I even do? I put the pillow that my head was resting on over my head to try and block out the sound of the two siblings arguing. Unfortunately, it didn't work. This better not happen everyday or I might just move in with Spencer. Spencer has siblings but they aren't this annoying.

After awhile Brendon's sister finally left.

I sat up and so did Brendon. I wrapped my arms around him and cuddled into him. We stayed like that for several minutes. Our lips were nearly touching, so I decided to break the space between our lips by kissing him gently.

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO WAKE UP!!!" I heard Brendon's sister shout from outside the room.

I decided to ignore her. I then heard the door slowly creak open.


When Brendon realized she had came into the room he quickly broke away from the kiss and hug, he also moved a few inches away from me. I looked at him with sad eyes.

"So you two were doing it?"

Brendon's eyes widened, whilst I let out a giggle.

"What!?! No, we were just hugging because that's what friends do."

"Friends kiss each other according to your logic. You two are obviously dating and you can't deny it."

She then left with a grin on her face.

Friends.....I thought we were Boyfriends. I turned my head to look at him, looking for an explanation.

"I haven't told my parents about my sexuality yet. I'm so sorry for saying that we're just friends, but I promise to come out to my parents soon."

I don't need to come out to my dad, and I wasn't planning on ever coming out to him, anyway. Besides, I think he already knows.

"It's okay Bren."

I looked at my phone see that it was five Am, why did Brendon's sister have to wake us up? It's not even a school day, it's Sunday.

"Why do we have to wake up so early?"

"I have to go to church" he groaned.

I almost forgot that he's Mormon. I was really hoping to spend the whole day lying in bed with Brendon, but I guess I'll have to go back to my house.

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