Chapter 14

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I took my maths jotter, my pencil and a rubber out of my bag and laid them down on my desk. I sat down next to Jon and Brendon. The teacher hasn't turned up, hopefully she doesn't turn up at all.

I looked over at Pete to see him talking to Patrick. He was flirting? And he looked happy, so did Patrick. I thought he was homophobic and was being mean by kissing me and stuff. Maybe he was doing the same to Patrick, or he might generally just like Patrick, but he's in the closet because he doesn't want to lose his reputation of being the popular jock. Brent on the other hand is....well....he's just a bully and he always has been.

When we were younger Pete was kind, but ever since we came to high school he changed. We drifted apart and when he somehow found I was gay he started bullying me, perhaps it was to hide his own gayness for Patrick. Author what the fuck is this fanfic? I thought it was about Brendon and I, not Pete and Patrick.

I looked over at Brendon, he was playing some game on his phone. I leaned closer to him to see what game he was playing, it was fortnite. Why? Out of all games he could've played why did he choose to play fortnite?

"Do you actually like that game?"


"Please don't tell me you know the dances too."

"Of course I do, I have them all memorised."

I swear I'm dating a five year old and not a seventeen year old.

The door to the classroom then opened to reveal Mr Reid, the chemistry teacher. I'm guessing he's going to be the cover teacher. I'm glad that we have him today instead of our usual maths teacher, because Mr Reid is much nicer.

"Hello, I'm your cover teacher today, because Mrs May is ill."

Then memories of what he said to Brendon and I in the bathroom started to come back. Maybe it wasn't a good thing having Mr Reid as a teacher.

Mr Reid started explaining what we had to do. I looked at Jon, he was paying no attention to the teacher, instead he was looking at Spencer. I then looked at Pete to see him looking at Patrick. Wow, I sense a lot of love in this class.

Someone then nudged me. I turned my gaze to Brendon.

"What do you want?"

"You. Tonight. My place. My parents and siblings won't be home."

His eyes flicker up and down my body.

"I want you" he says in a low tone that makes me turned on.

"O-okay" I say smiling whilst nodding my head.

"You're so cute."

He kisses me softly then pulls away. I then realised that Mr Reid was watching us, Brendon didn't seem to notice or maybe he did, but he didn't care.

"You were so hot in bed last time."

I blush and look down at my desk.

"Bleh" Jon said.


"I didn't want to know that you two were going to fuck or that you've already done it."

"Well what can I say except your welcome."

"No Brendon, you and you're Moana references can leave immediately."


It is confirmed, Brendon is a very horny five year old stuck in a seventeen year old's body. I sighed and got on with the work. We had to answer some maths questions, it wasn't too hard.

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