Chapter 6

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Ryan: Why do you keep looking at me?

Brendon: because I can

Ryan: Stop, I'm not that fascinating to look at.

Brendon: You are, honestly you're gorgeous

My cheeks turned some sort of shade of pink. Gorgeous? Am I hearing right? I wish people wouldn't lie to me, I'm really not that attractive, yeah I look decent but not Gerard Way attractive. Now he's a sexy man, no homo though

I look at Brendon to see that he's looking at me again, a slight smile appears onto my face.

Ryan: Enjoying the view?

He nods his head, as a giggle falls from my lips.

Brendon: The view behind you


Brendon: I'm just kidding, you are the view

I felt my cheeks go all warm, as a smile spreads across my face, even though I tried to prevent my lips from turning upwards. Why does my body always disobey me? Especially my lips and cheeks.

Ryan: :)

Ryan: okay, but can you staring at me now

Brendon: I'm just admiring you

Ryan: stop

Brendon: why?

Ryan: because you're making me blush

Brendon: oh really? ;)

Ryan: the winky face scares me...

Brendon: ;)

Brendon: ;;;)

Brendon put his phone down then crawled over to me on his bed. I hid my face in his pillow so he wouldn't see how bad I was blushing. Brendon then took the pillow away from me and grabbed my face, cupping my cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?" Brendon asked with a smirk.

"I-I don't know" I said moving my face out of his hands. He smiled and sat down really close to me.

"Let's cuddle."

I froze, I didn't expect that. I awkwardly put my arm around him. He laid his head on my shoulder, and we sat like that for a minute or so until....

"HEY BRENDON" a girl said, presumably Brendon's sister.

"What the fuck do you want?"

The girl gasped, "that's a pound for the swearing jar."

She then looked at me curiously.

"Is that you're boyfriend?"

I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Wha- No, now get out".

"Fine, But you need to give me money first."

"I don't have money."

I took a pound out from my pocket and handed it to her. She smiled happily.

"You can be my new brother, because I don't want Brendon as my brother anymore. He's super lame."

I couldn't help but laugh, I guess the two of them don't get on that well. With that she left.

"Ryan, you shouldn't have gave her the pound."

"Oh well. I'm tired, I think I'm going to head home."

"You can stay here if you want."

"Okay, would it be okay with your mum?"

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