Chapter 10

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I felt alone at Jon's party, even though I was surrounded by many people. Brendon, Jon and Spencer abandoned me. I think I might just go home, there's no point in being at a party if I'm just going to stare at the floor the whole time. I get up from the couch I'm sat at and head for the door, until a boy with red hair that reminded me of a fire truck approached me.

"Hey Ryan."

I looked up to see Gerard.


"Well aren't you just the life of the party. Want to join Frank and I?"

I don't really know Gerard, but I've been in a few group chats with him before and we've talked a few times. He seems nice though and he's a sexy talented singer. If I remember correctly I think Frank is his boyfriend.

I nodded my head with a smile, Gerard ushered me to follow him. He led me outside where Frank was standing. It was less crowded outside, but then again Jon's garden is huge.

"So... are you two together? Or...." I asked.

"Yep, Gerard gay here is my boyfriend."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Frank asked.

"What makes you think I'm gay?"

"Because my gay radar is tingling."

"So is mine."

"What the fuck..." I muttered to myself.

"What about Brendon? Weren't Jon and Spencer trying to set you two up or something? Well that's what I heard in that group chat you left" Gerard said.

"They were? Will they're a bit late on setting us up, because I already have plans."

"Oooh, spill the tea" Gerard said excitedly.

I took a quick look to make sure Brendon wasn't around. He wasn't.

"I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend."

"Awwww, young love. I remember that when I was a young boy I found my first love" frank said whilst taking Gerard's hand in his.

"I feel so old."

"We're the same age..." I said.

"Remember when we had our first kiss Gee?"

"Yeah Frankie."

I looked down at the ground.

If I remember correctly I think they started dating when they were 5. They were the first openly gay couple that I ever knew of. They were cute together, and they still are.

I looked up to see Frank and Gerard making out.

"Get a room."

"Shut up Ryan, this will be you and Brendon soon."

I hope so. I have high hopes that he'll say yes. Oh wait, we've already made out.

I smiled, and then left the two of them to continue doing their business.

I wasn't watching where I was going, I only had two drinks so don't get the idea that I'm drunk because I'm not. I bumped into Pete. For fuck sake, why couldn't I of bumped into Brendon? Where is he here anyway? Jon and Pete aren't friends, in fact the last time I checked Jon hated Pete.

"Watch it."


"Oh it's you..... Hey Ryan."

"Bye Pete."

I tried to leave, but he put his arms around my waist to stop me. He turned me around to face him, his breath smelt of drink, he must of been partying hard.

"You aren't going anywhere."

"What do you want?"

"To have some fun."

What the hell....first he bullies me, and now he wants to have sex with me. Well that certainly isn't happening, I want to remain a virgin a little longer please, and I don't want Pete to be the one who takes my virginity away.

"The only fun thing for me right now is to find Brendon, so leave me alone."

"Pfft- Brendon left the party an hour ago."

He ditched me... I can't believe it. I thought he would of at least texted me or something.


"Oh my god Ryan, are you stupid? He left because he obviously doesn't have the same feelings for you, as you do for him."

"Y-you have no proof."

"Ry, he told me that he only likes you as a friend, nothing more. In fact he told me he liked Sarah, the one with the last name that no one can pronounce. Also, I saw them kiss."

My heart felt as if it was slowly shattering into billions of tiny pieces. I thought I had a chance with Brendon, but obviously not and everything was a lie.

"I don't- I can't believe you."

"So you don't believe the truth. I'm sorry Ry, but this is common, people have a crush on someone and a lot of the time their crush don't like them the same way back."


"Don't lie to the truth."

I pushed Pete, he staggered back but he caught his balance. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there. I sat down on the floor and brought my knees to my head, as tears ran down my face. I give up in love. Love is overrated anyway.


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