Chapter 9

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I stood in front of a mirror in the bathroom. I was getting ready for Jon's party tonight. Tonight might end in sadness or happiness, because I'm going to finally ask Brendon to be my boyfriend. I just have to think of the right words to use, I'm better at writing than talking though.

"Brendon, will you be my boyfriend?"

I would say that, but that's too simple.

"Brendon, I've loved you since I first saw you, so will you be my boyfriend?"

Still no. That's cheesy.

"Your eyes are so beautiful, like the moon, and your smile can brighten the dullest of days, like the sun does. Ever since I first laid eyes on you I knew you were different from other people, in a good way of course, and I was wondering if you want to be my boyfriend?"

That's still bad, but it will have to do until the author can think of something else for me to say.

"Opeeeeen the fuckinnnng doooooor."

My dad started banging on the door. I gulped. I took a deep breath and crossed my fingers hoping he wouldn't hurt me. Slowly, I unlocked the door, only to get a slap right across the face. I whimpered.

"What the fuck do you mean boyfriend?!?!"

Oh shit.

"Tell me right now George."

I scrunched my face up, I hate how he still calls me George when I've asked him numerous times to call me Ryan. I hate having to share the same name as that monster.

"I- that wasn't me talking. I-it was a girl...w-we were taking on the phone."

My dad then slapped me across the face.

"Don't fucking lie to me, now what do you mean boyfriend?"

"L-leave me alone."

He pinned me against the wall and threw punches at me, every once in awhile he would kick me. Why couldn't he just kill me instead of beating me? Life would be so much easier.

When mum was around she would take the beatings to protect me, but she left when I was six, so she's been out of my life for twelve years now.

I remember that there were nights I would lay in my bed listening to the sound of fighting. My mother would shout, my father would begin hurting her and the screaming would start, which was then followed by crying. I would push my face into my pillow and hide under the blankets in case my dad would come upstairs. I would think to myself how when my mum left I would leave with her, leave this miserable place. Then one day she did leave... and I remained right where I was.

My dad then stopped to catch his breath. This was my opportunity to escape. I ran past him to go downstairs, then out of the door. I don't know where I'm going to go, I guess I'll just go wherever my legs take me.

• • •

I've been walking for what seemed like an hour. Where the hell am I even at? I looked around to see houses, better looking houses than the one that I have to live in. One of them seemed familiar, I'm not sure whose house it is but I'll knock on the door anyway.

I knocked on the door and patiently waited for someone to answer. A brown haired boy with a lavender hoodie and red glasses opened the door. I immediately wrapped my arms around him. At first he was confused but then he hugged me back.

"What's wrong?" Brendon asked.


Brendon broke away from the hug and cupped my cheeks.

"Something is wrong" he said.

"I told you, nothing is wrong."

"Please tell me the truth."

I shook my head.

"Ryan tell me, I can help you."

"My dad....h-he's an alcoholic and he b-beats me."

Brendon pulled me into a hug.

"You can move in with me."

"I think it's up to your parents" I said with a laugh afterwards.

"They won't care."

"Thanks, but no, I can't do that."

"Well can you stay for the night? My parents are out and I don't want to be stuck in a house with my siblings all alone. Just the though of having be in house without my parents terrifies me."

"Sure, But you're siblings aren't that bad."

"That's because you don't live with them."


"I hate your dad for doing something so cruel to someone as amazing as you. How would he like it if all of a sudden I started beating him up."

"Please don't try that."

"But he has hurt you."

"I know, but he's not worth our time" I said.

Brendon ushered me into his house. We went upstairs to his room, and we sat down on his bed.

"Are you ready for the party?" Brendon asked.

I nodded my head.

"How long have we got until it starts?" He asked.

"An hour and a half."

Brendon jumped off the bed with a pillow in his hand.

"I CHALLENGE YOU TO A PILLOW FIGHT!" Brendon screamed, gently whacking me with a pillow. 

"I ACCEPT" I yelled, also jumping off of the bed and grabbing a pillow.

"Count of three. Three. two-" he started but I hit him with a pillow.

"Shit" he said.

He swiped at my legs, and I stumbled. He hit me with the pillow. I then tackled him and we fell to the ground giggling like a bunch of idiots, until I relized where I landed, I was straddling him. Well this is awkward.

"I wonder what we will do in this position" he said.

"Hmmm, If you want to find out then I'll demonstrate right now".

I stood up and sat down on Brendon's bed.

"No making out right now" I said.

"What makes you think I was thinking of that?".

"I don't know, I was just guessing. But knowing you, you probably were thinking Of that."


In case you can't see the gif, it's Ryan straddling Brendon at one of the concerts

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In case you can't see the gif, it's Ryan straddling Brendon at one of the concerts.

A few chapters ago I made a character called Mr Reid, well I didn't realize their was a teacher called that at my school, so every time my friend sees him he can't help but think about what I made him say in this fanfic.

I'm sorry that this fanfic is bad.

Bye, and thank you for reading.

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