Chapter 17

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Brendon's P.O.V
Weren't expecting that were you? Noooo

I sat down next to Ryan. My parents think he's just my best friend, little did they know they were so wrong. I started fidgeting with my fingers, as I repeatedly tapped my foot on the floor. My breathing was shaky and my heart was probably skipping beats. I can't believe I'm about to do this. What if my parents disown me?

Ryan held my hand underneath the table and gave me an encouraging smile.

"You're going to be okay."

I nodded my head, but what if I wasn't going to be okay. If they kick me out I could just move in with Spencer, or if I have enough money I could rent or buy a house with Ryan.
The second option is the best, because that way Ryan would be away from his abusive dad and we would get live together, where would I get the money from? I'll need to get a job.

I watched as my mum laid plates of food down in front of us. My dad sat down, so did my many siblings. My annoying younger sister kind of knows I'm pansexual, because she kind of knows about Ryan and mine's relationship.

My mum then joined us at the dinner table. We'll eat, then I'll tell them. At least I have Ryan here with me, so if things do go wrong he'll hopefully make me feel better somehow.

I picked my knife and fork up, and began to eat.

After I had finished Ryan gave me an encouraging look. I smiled slightly before taking a deep breath. I cleared my voice then looked in the direction of my parents. Nope, I can't do this. Fuck this shit I'm out. I shook my head, but Ryan squeezed my hand. Fuck. Fuckety fuck. Come on, I can do this, no I can't, yesss.

" have something to tell you."

"What is it hun?" My mum asked.


I looked at Ryan for reassurance, he smiled.

"I'm pansexual and I'm dating Ryan."

Silence filled the room. No one talked. No movement. Tears were filling up in my mum's eyes and my dad had no emotion on his face. My sibling sat unsure of what to do. Shit.

Surprisingly, my older sister and the annoying younger one came over to me and gave me a hug. I smiled, at least I know these two support me.

"Get the fuck out" my dad said.

I was taken aback by his words, I think everyone else was too.

"Boyd, no."

"He needs to leave."

"He's our son."

"Not anymore."

I could feel tears filling up in my eyes.

"The two of you need to get the fuck out of here now. I will not have two- people like you two."

People like us? I scoffed as I got up from my chair, Ryan followed me.

"Brendon don't leave" my mother pleaded.

Sighing, I shook my head. I opened the door and ran out of the house. Why can't he just accept who I am?

"Brendon wait" Ryan called after me.

I ignored him and continued running. Unfortunately, he was faster and stopped me by wrapping his arms around me.

"It's okay, screw him, if he can't accept who you are then he doesn't deserve you in his life. At least your mum was trying to tell your dad to stop."

I cried into Ryan's chest, soaking his green day shirt with tears, but he didn't seem to mind. We stayed like this for about twenty one minutes, me just sobbing and Ryan trying to comfort me.

"You'll never leave me will you?"



I planted a kiss on Ryan's lips.

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

" dad doesn't really like visitors."



"Thank you, I love you so much."

We walked back to my house so I could pick up a few stuff. Fortunately, my dad didn't notice I had came back. I threw some clothes, a toothbrush, money, a phone charger, my phone and a pair of earphones into my bag. The two of us then went to Ryan's house. His dad was there passed out on the sofa. He probably had too much to drink.

I sat down next to Ryan on his bed. We put a movie on and cuddled into each other. Perhaps my dad will calm down by tomorrow and change his mind about kicking me out.

"Thank you for being with me when I came out to my parents, and I'm sorry you had to see my dad like that."

"Anything for you, and it's okay."

Ryan kissed me on the cheek. Shortly after my eyes started to flicker, I tried to keep them open but my tiredness was getting the better of me. Defeated, my eyes closed and I fell asleep in Ryan's arms.

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It's katelin06

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