Chapter 3

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Before I opened the front door I took a deep breath, I hope my dad isn't home. Otherwise, I was in trouble. Slowly, I walked inside and tip toed upstairs. However, my dad stopped me at the top of the stairs. I could smell a horrible stench coming off of him, it smelt like alcohol. He definitely wasn't sober, if I was lucky I could escape without harm. I doubt it though.

When mum left dad became an alcoholic, he also lost his job, so my aunt and uncle would give us money. However, she won't have to give us money for long because I'm planning on getting a job soon. When I was younger, just after mum left, dad sold a lot of my stuff without consent from me. I remember going home after school to see that my bedroom was missing many things such as teddies, toys and more stuff. I broke down into tears and refused to talk to my dad for a month. I was mostly sad because a lot of those things were from my mother and they reminded me of her, now I barely remember a thing about her.

We will probably have to move to an apartment soon because the rent is becoming too expensive.

"Where the hell have you been?"


"Well, that is funny because you're usually home earlier than this and their was some other duuuuuude who dropped you off, not that Spenceeeeer kid" He slurred.

I didn't say anything. He raised his hand, he was about to hit me. I tried to dodge it only to slip on the stairs and fall. I whimpered in pain. I could see my dad walking down the stairs, he was struggling to keep his balance. My dad then kicked me in the stomach several times. Tears were threatening to spill, but I couldn't let them spill.... yet, not when he's here

"I'm going to the pub, I'll be back soon."

That meant he would be back at midnight if he hasn't passed out. If he does pass out he'll probably come back tomorrow.

With that he left. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. My body was too sore to move, so I laid there, clutching my stomach, wishing that the pain would stop. I hope my dad won't come back anytime soon. Shortly after I passed out.

. . . . . .

When I opened my eyes I saw that I was no longer on the floor, but in my bed. In confusion I tilted my head, how did I get here? The lights were on, and on my bedside table there was a glass of water. Maybe it was my aunt.

I sat up, my body was still in pain. I took a drink from the glass of water. My bedroom door creaked opened, to reveal Brendon. I laid the glass of water back onto my bedside table.

"How are you?"

"Good, I guess. How did you get in here?"

"The door was wide open, I was about to tell you, but I found you passed out on the floor."

My face went red in embarrassment. Fuck.

"I'm s-sorry that you saw me like this."

"What happened?"

"I-I...I-uhh fell."

"You didn't sound too sure. Ryan, please tell me the truth."

"Fine....m-my dad is an alcoholic and he..." I said but it came out in gibberish.

Tears started to fill my eyes, no, I can't cry in front of Brendon, not him of all people.

Brendon sat down next to me on my bed.

"Ssshhh" he said putting a finger to my mouth.

He put his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. I sobbed into his shirt, soaking it with my tears. He didn't seem to mind though. Ryan rubbed my back in circle motions to try and calm me down, kind of like the way my mother used to whenever I was sad. I felt safe in his arms.  I smiled slightly. I felt safe in Brendon's arms, and I wish it could stay this way forever, but unfortunately it can't. Every few minutes he'd whisper into my ear telling me everything would be okay, but I knew nothing was going to be okay despite what Brendon says.

I'm not sure how long we sat there like that but it must have been at least half an hour. To my dismay, Brendon pulled away from the hug and got up from my bed.

"I've got to go, I'll see you on Monday. Remember to text me and tell me if you're okay."

"Will do. Bye."

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