Chapter 7

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"Spencer is going to pick us up today."

"Why can I not just drive?"

"I don't know, Spencer just insisted on driving us to school."

"Oh, okay."

"Come on, let's go brush our teeth."

I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush. After two minutes I spit my toothpaste out, and rinsed my mouth out with water.

"Spencer will be here soon" I said, whilst trying to walk out of the bathroom but ended up standing on a Lego brick, then somehow falling.

I fell on the ground and Brendon turned around quickly.

"Are you okay?" Brendon yelled whilst spitting his toothpaste out into the sink. He crouched down beside me.

"Are you okay?"

He put his hand in my hair making me freeze, he combed my hair with his hands and cupped my cheeks lifting up my face. My foot was in pain. Stupid Lego bricks.

"You should tell your siblings not to leave Lego bricks on the floor" I said.

"I will."

I tried to get up, but ended up just sitting up with my face one inch away from Brendon's. He then placed his hand on top of mine. He smiled and stroked his hand down mine. I blushed and tried to stand up but he held me down.

"Is your foot okay?"


Brendon tried to stand up. He slipped on the floor and almost kicked me in the face, but when he tried to catch himself he ended up very close to me. Our noses were almost touching.

"Your eyes are the size of the moon" Brendon said putting his hand on mine.

I smiled staring into his eyes. I looked at his lips, I wanted to break the gap between our lips but what if Brendon doesn't like me that way.

We where happily staying like that until I heard a car horn beep repeatedly outside of the house. It must be Spencer, he has no patience. I stood up and offered a hand to Brendon, he took my hand and I pulled him up. I grabbed my bag, then went to the car with Brendon. Brendon and I sat in the passenger seats at the back.

"Geez, you have no patience."

"I've been waiting for you for like five minutes" he said.

"Well maybe don't come so early."

"But I need my coffee."

"Why don't you just go get coffee first, then pick us up."

"Because your paying for the coffee."

"Ughhh you're the worst" I said.

"It's only fair, since I drive you around, you should buy me coffee. Fuel is very expensive y'know."

"You were the one who offered to drive us to school."


I rolled my eyes and decided to just give up.

"Sooo, what did you two get up to last night?"

"Nothing much."

"Oh really?"


"So you guys didn't do the naughty-".

"NO!!!" I yelled.

"Geez Spencer" Brendon said.

The car stopped.

"I'll be back in a minute."

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