Chapter 4

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It was the weekend, ugh. Jon was usually busy doing god knows what, and Spencer was with his girlfriend at the moment. My dad was still out, so that's good.

I looked at the piece of paper that Brendon had given me yesterday. I guess I could text him, but what if he's busy? what if he only told me to text me because he pitied me and doesn't actually care? Oh well. I quickly grabbed my phone from the table and added Brendon's number into my contacts.

Ryan: hey

Brendon: hey, whose this?

Ryan: Ryan, how's life?

Brendon: terrible

Ryan: how?

Brendon: my siblings are soooo annoying, one of them keeps trying to steal my fucking chocolate. Like please stop you peasants, I want to eat my chocolate not give to you rats.

Ryan: hahaha, that must suck. How many siblings do you have?

Brendon: yeah, it sucks dick. I have 4 siblings

Ryan: w o w

Brendon: do you have siblings?

Ryan: nope, I'm an only child

Brendon: lucky, I wish I was an only child

Ryan: it's good being an only child but you get lonely sometimes

Brendon: I still wish I was an only child

Brendon: I'm boooored

Ryan: hey boooored, have you seen my friend Brendon?

Brendon: Nooo! Shut up!

Ryan: I'm texting, not talking

Brendon: but really I'm bored

Brendon: what did the ocean say to the other ocean?

Ryan: I don't know ¯\_()_/¯

Brendon: nothing they just waved


Brendon: did you sea what I did there?

Ryan: yeah. Now stop please.

Brendon:I'm shore you did

Ryan: how do you have friends?

Brendon: because I'm hot and sexyyyy

Ryan: fuck you

Brendon: please do

Ryan: I'd rather not

Brendon: why not? It would be fun

Brendon: just kidding

Ryan: are you straight?

Brendon: I'm a pan

Brendon: pansexual, you?

Ryan: bi

Brendon: I gotta go because my mum is yelling at me to do the dishes

Ryan: awww, I hope you have fun

Brendon: I hate you

Ryan: I love you too

Brendon: love you ❤️

I read the last text over and over again to make sure I wasn't imagining it, did he really mean it? I hope he does.

I sighed, now that Brendon is busy I have nothing to do. Perhaps Spencer isn't busy anymore.

Ryan: hey spence

Spencer: what?

Ryan: can I come over?

Spencer: if you walk

Ryan: never mind

Spencer: I'll be there in fifteen minutes

Ryan: okay, see ya

I lay my phone down on my bedside table, and wait for Spencer to arrive. I quickly tidy my bedroom, throwing things underneath my bed and into my closet. My door opened to reveal Spencer. Since Spencer is my best friend I gave him a spare key to my house, my dad doesn't know that I did that but I don't care.

Spencer had a bag of crisps in his hands.

"I hope you don't mind, but I grabbed a bag of crisps from your kitchen."

"That's okay" I smiled.

"So how's it been?"

"Well, Brendon drove me home yesterday, after you abandoned me."

"Spill the tea."

"We got slushes and he kissed me. We were also texting each other today."

"He what?!?"


Spencer's face lit up. He then picked my phone up.

"Spencer no."

"Spencer yes" he said.

I tried to grab my phone from Spencer, but he ran away and hid in the closet. I tried to open the closet, but he must of put something in front of the door.

"Come out of the closet."


I rolled my eyes whilst sighing. He better not send anything to Brendon, or I might never be able to show my face at school again. I sat down on my bed. Growing inpatient, I started to fidget around with my fingers.

Spencer finally came out of the closet with a smile on his face. I got up and grabbed my phone off of him, he didn't send anything to Brendon. Thank god.

"He's definitely into you."

"You really think so?"

He nodded his head. My eyes lit up. The handle on my bedroom door then moved, oh no. The door opened to reveal my dad. He looked at Spencer and I for a moment before speaking.

"Hi Spencer" he said.


Without another word he then left, closing the door behind him. My dad would never hurt me when someone was around, so that's why I would often invite Spencer or Jon round, or I would go to one of their houses.

"Now I need to think of a plan to get the two of them together" Spencer whispered.



"No, you said-"

"NOTHING!" He interrupted me.

"Spencer I'm scared, what did you just say?"

"It's a secret, but trust me you'll be happy with the ending."

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