Chapter 5

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It was lunch time, and I was sitting down at the usual table my friends and I sat at. I was looking at Brendon from the other table, admiring how perfect he was. Jon noticed this; so he got up from his seat and walked over to Brendon's table. Wait, why was he going over there? I started to feel dread, what if he was going to tell him about my crush on Brendon? Jon then came back with Brendon, and Brendon sat next to me.

"Why are you here?" I asked looking puzzled.

He shrugged, "Jon asked if I wanted to join you guys, so I said yes."

"Oh, okay."

For the rest of lunch Brendon and I talked about our music taste and surprisingly we like a lot of the same bands. Meanwhile, Jon and Spencer had their own conversation about some plan. The bell then rang. I sighed, but then remembered I had modern studies and we were probably watching a movie or something, and that meant the teacher would probably fall asleep.

"I'll text you when my teacher falls asleep" I said.


I then headed off to class. My plan was working, the teacher switched on a movie then fell asleep. I took my phone out of my pocket and began texting Brendon.

Ryan: hey

Brendon: heyyy

Ryan: do you want to play a 10 question game?

Brendon: wut?

Brendon: How do you play?

Ryan: it's a game where we get to know each other better. For example I ask you a question, then you answer, then I answer. Then you ask the second question, I'll answer first then you answer

Brendon: okay

Ryan: 1, dogs or cats

Brendon: dogs

Ryan: same

Brendon: 2. what's your birthdate?

Ryan: 30th of August

Brendon: 12th of April

Ryan: 3, night or day

Brendon: day, so I can see my friends

Ryan: night, so I can sleep

Brendon: 4, do you like your appearance?

Ryan: no

Brendon: WHY?!?!? You're hot

Ryan: hahahahaha you're so funny. I'm really not.

Brendon: you are, you're also really cute

Brendon: anyway, I think I look okay. I'm not bad but I'm definitely not a model

Ryan: I think you could be

Brendon: thank you :)

Ryan: 5, apple or Samsung

Brendon: Apple

Ryan: Samsung

Brendon: I-

Brendon: Traitor

Brendon: 6, thoughts on broadway

Ryan: love it, though I've never watched one live ;-; but I've listened to broadway songs and seen some clips of musicals

Brendon: why don't you see one?

Ryan: I can't afford it

Brendon: Oh. Maybe one day we'll go and see one together! Because I also love broadway

Ryan: maybe

Ryan: 7, favourite instrument?

Brendon: drums

Ryan: guitar

Brendon: favourite colour?

Ryan: burgundy

Brendon: red

Ryan: 8, favourite number

Brendon: 69

Ryan: lmao, of course it is

Ryan: mine is 13, since it's many people's unlucky number

Brendon: favourite subject?

"Mr Ross get off of your phone."


Ryan: I gtg the teacher caught me

Brendon: bye

I shoved my phone back in to my pocket and pretended to pay attention to the movie. I stared at the clock and began doodling in my jotter. After what seemed like decades, the bell finally rang. I picked my books up, and shoved them into my bag. I slung my bag over my shoulders, then I head to my next class.

History, one of my favourite subjects because Brendon is in it. Too bad I didn't sit beside Brendon. The teacher announced we would be doing a project in pairs but she had already chosen partners for us. I sighed, due to my bad luck I bet I wouldn't get to be with Brendon. And I was right, I had to work with Pete. Out of all the people in this class why Pete?

Pete sat down on the chair next to me. We started working on the project until he put his left hand on my thigh, I gave him a confused look and pushed his hand off of me.

"Did you just-" I started.

"Ryan why don't you come round to my house to hang out" he asked whilst leaning closer to me, too close for my liking.

" thanks."


"Well let me see, maybe because you're mean to me and you're just an asshole in general."

"Come on, please."

"I-I'm grounded."

He sighed, "well that's a pity."

He put his hand back on my thigh, I was starting to feel uncomfortable, I decided to try and ignore it. The bell finally rang and I sighed with relief. I got up and I was the first to leave the room.

"Wait" someone called after me.

I stopped and spun around to see Brendon.

"Is there something going on between you and....Pete" he said, but when he said "Pete" he said it through his teeth.

"No, why?"

"Do you like him?"

Do I like? What kind of question is that? Of course I don't. He should know this better than anyone, I mean he was the one who stopped them beating me up that one time.

"Are you jealous?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course not."

"What if Pete and I were a thing?"

There was silence. I let out a giggle.

"You are jealous."

"No I'm not" he said putting on a serious voice.

"I hate Pete anyway" I whispered to him.

He smiled, "want to come round to my house?"

I nodded my head. He walked to his car, and I followed him.

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