Chapter Three

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Toni's deep breathing fanned across my bare chest. I slipped out from under her touch as she replaced me with a pillow. The bus was stopped meaning we had reached boston. "Look what we found." Ashton sang as i stepped into the front of the bus. He had Toni's dress hanging off one of his large fingers. I snatched it from his grip and flipped him off. "We're guessing you had a fun night!"

"Do you see this thing?" I raised the material up. "No one would want to fucking sleep in this." He rolled his eyes as I sat down beside him. "Besides she was wasted."

"She drinks ... A lot" i nodded picking up the free controllar, joining them in on a game. My heart picked up when I heard small feet patter against the cold floor. Toni appeared in the opening in nothing but my shirt. "Fuck" luke whispered from across me. I shot him a glare as his cheek's reddened. "I need some pants" she said slowly, her curly hair messy. I laughed before following her deeper into the bus.

She turned to me a smirk on her lips once we reached my bunk. "You look nice in my shirt" i whispered gripping onto her hip to pull her in. She looked up at me, her eyes warm and her lips swollen. "Kiss me" my eyes went wide as she stepped up on her tip toes to press her lips against mine. It was to early for me to take this rationally. I gripped her waist lifting her, pressing her warm body against the wall beside me. Her hands were tight in my hair as her lips latched onto the skin of my neck. I couldn't handle this, the lump in my jeans was begining to hurt as she pushed into me. The warmth of her center was taking me over the edge. "Fuck" i groaned laying her down in my bunk. "Why didn't you do this when I had an actual room?" She laughed letting go of me. Her body was laid out under me as I throbbed against her thigh. "I'm sorry." She whispered shly up at me. I rolled my eyes. I softly kissed all over her cheek making her giggle. "Where are we?" She asked against my ear as a hand played with my jeans. "Boston" I spoke harshly as I gripped her small wrist. She looked at me confused. "Not here." I leaned in pressing my lips to the smooth skin of her neck before disappearing from the bunk.

*toni's POV*

Calum handed me my bag and a rough kiss before saying he would see me later. I let myself get out of control this morning, he was fucking with my emotions.

I pulled the jeans up, threw on a old band shirt. I rolled my eyes as I passed my heels laying on the floor. I quickly slipped on sneakers. Keeping my makeup light and my hair straight I stepped out into the afternoon sun. "Hey!" Harry said kindly as I made my way from the bus.

"Hey" I said once beside him. "What are you doing?" The fences were high and the large men at every entrance was putting off a weird vibe.

"Nothing. Relaxing what about you?"

"I was about to go sight seeing." He nodded , his long hair falling slightly out of the ponytail. "Would you like to come?" I asked softly. My heart was pounding as he flashed a warm smile.

"I would love to." His smile turned upside down. "But if i do . We will be mobbed."

I shrugged. "You look exhausted." I stated softly.

"I had a hard time sleeping last night." He played with his longer fingers. Something was bothering him. I looped my arm through his flashing my teeth up at him. "Come on let's do some sight seeing." He smiled down at me hopefully my energy wearing off on him. He nodded but stopped. "I need to shower." He motioned for me to follow him, I complied.

I sat down in the golf cart as Harry disappeared into his dressing room. I quickly pressed my headphones in, the music filling me. "You look different" Niall shouted at me. I glared at him.

"What the fuck was that for!"

"You couldn't hear me!" He shouted defending himself. "Now can we lower our voices" i rolled my eyes as he flashed a smile. "You look normal today?" He raised an eyebrow

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