Chapter Seven

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*harry's pov*

I stepped off the stage, I looked around until I found her. I watched as Calum hugged onto Toni. His long arms wrapped around her. Her eyes were glowing as she smiled up at him. Every time I saw them together it broke me a little more. I wanted to give her that, I wanted to give that to every single girl that loved me. I just couldn't. Michael came up to my side, his smile warm. "Tomorrow?" He asked slowly. I nodded, his smile widened as he turned to walk away. Toni was now coming towards me, her lips freshly plump and her cheeks pink. "I just need to get some clothes"

"You can wear mine?" I suggest. She shook her head. I looked down at my feet a little embarrassed. Her small fingers wrapped around my hand causing me to look up at her. "Come with me?" She whispered. I followed her keeping her hand in mine. She was my little piece of heaven. When everything was going wrong it's like she knew exactly what to say.

I stood back as she rumbled through her bag on the 5sos bus. Calum laid in the bunk in front of her, a piece of her hair wrapped around his finger. "It's gonna be lonely without you." He whined, she looked up at him and rolled her eyes. He smiled releasing her hair to put his arms behind his head. There was just something about the two of them that clicked. "I'm going to change." She said walking deeper into the bus.

"Don't try any funny business" he said to me.

I rolled my eyes putting a hand on my hip and flicking the other in front of me. "I'm gay remember?" He flicked me off as Toni came back. A large t shirt hung off her body barely showing the shorts underneath. She leaned into the bunk, lips connecting with Calum's. "My phone is staying here." She whispered against his cheek before pushing me out so he could not protest. I laughed as we passed Michael his eyes watching me. There was just something about that boy.

*toni's pov*

I followed Harry up the bus steps. The one direction bus was a great deal larger than 5sos. "This is nice." I whispered.

Harry turned to me. "No one is on yet. They are all at a party." He took my hand leading me deeper. He pulled me in front so I could slide in before him. The bunk was larger than Calum's. "I wish these were in the 5sos bus. Then maybe Calum would sleep beside me." I said as Harry climbed in with extra pillows.

"He doesn't sleep with you?" He asked. I shook my head pulling the covers up my bare legs.

"It get's to hot for him." He nodded as the small tv on the end of the bunk came alive. "What are we watching first?"

"Frankie and Alice." I raised an eyebrow as he raised an arm motioning for me to rest against him. I complied as his fingers traced circles on the skin of my arm. "And i ordered pizza." I smiled up at him.

The first movie was amazing, the pizza was delicious. Around 2 in the morning everyone else arrived. Niall slid back the curtain and winked at me. "Go away." Harry stuck his large hand in Niall's face.

I rested my hand against Harrys chest as i sunk lower into the covers. His deep laugh shaked around me. "Harry why the fuck are your legs so hairy?"

"What am I suppose to do? Shave them!" He rolled his eyes at me as I laid back down.

"Maybe i don't know. Does Michael like your legs hairy?" I looked up at him. His eyes were large. I ran a finger down his arm. "You can talk to me about him."

He relaxed against me. "I think no matter what he would love me." I smiled at him, Calum flashed across my mind my body instantly warmed. "Calum's the same for you too ." I nodded resting my head on his shoulder. "Can I say something?" He whispered after a long minute.


"I'm the luckiest person to have you in my life." I looked up at him behind sleepy eyes and smiled. He looped his fingers through mine that rested on his chest. "I adore you." He whispered against my hair as I drifted to sleep.

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