Chapter Twenty Seven

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I watched as Toni was pushed down the large hallway, her small fingers hanging off the side where my hand just was. Harry was on the ground beside me, head between his knees as he tried to regulate his breathing. "Come on you guys can stay at the house." I mumbled turning around.
He was quick on his feet. "No I am not leaving her, neither are you." My palm itched to hit him as he came closer to me.
"I need to shower, she's going to be in there for a good six hours." I snarled venom thick in my throat. Not only did I need to shower, I couldn't handle being in the same building with the knowledge that she was cut open. "Either you are coming or you're going." He hung his head low as we all walked out the large hospital.
The streets were empty for midday, so the ride home was quicker than normal. Pulling into the driveway I let out a curse word. Five pairs of eyes turned to me. "I have five empty bedrooms. No beds, no TV's nothing." I felt like crying, everything in the world was coming against me.
"Hey man it's alright." Zayn whispered. "We can just go to a hotel later."
"But for right now you shouldn't be alone." Michael snapped opening his door. Everyone excited the car but Harry and I.
"She's going to be okay Calum." He whispered as I turned the car off. "That woman is a fighter, she will beat this."
"Let's go inside." I whispered ignoring his inspirational pep talk. Slipping out of the car our walks mimicked each other, slump shoulders, swollen red eyes, and a drag in our step.

I sat on the couch as Luke, Michael, and Niall all played fifa. I didn't have it in me to enjoy the game. Everything was blocked out of my head except for the thought of losing her. It was haunting me as I looked towards the large window in the front of the house.
I quickly rose from my seat as a familiar car pulled into my drive way. "Their home early!" Michael shouted dropping his controller onto the floor. He ran to the door as a newly tanned Allison stepped inside. "Oh it's so pretty in here." She exclaimed as her husband brought in their bags.
"Well look at the welcome party." She giggled elbowing Ashton in the side. She stopped once her eyes came to me. "What's going on? Where's Toni."
"The hospital. In surgery." Harry grumbled. I wanted to shove my boot down his throat.
"She's sick, very sick." Allison looked back at Ashton then to me.
Her eyes were growing watery. "What the fuck do you mean she's sick?"
Harry quickly jumped to his feet, tears staining his cheeks. "She has goddamn cancer." He screamed, I couldn't move as he ran towards the back door.
"Cancer? Calum please tell me he's joking." All of us were silent. How were we suppose to tell her? Ashton took his wife into his arms. "I want to see her right now."
Before I could answer my phone began to ring. It was the hospital. "Mr. Hood?" The blonde lady from the front desk said quickly. "Please you have to come to the hospital now, there's been a mistake."
My phone dropped out of my hand, my heart sunk to the bottom of any life there was left in me. She was gone, I could feel it. "I have to go." I whispered. "Please Luke bring everyone to the hospital." I shouted leaving the door open behind me.
I couldn't see from the tears trapped on my eyes, swerving between cars I rushed my way back to her.
The blonde lady stood as ran towards her room. "Mr. Hood please come back." I was shaking, ready to punch the closet thing next to me. "The nurses who did her test the first time, got them mixed up with another patient." The breath was knocked out of me. "You're wife does not have ovarian cancer, she's pregnant." I gasped for air as more tears ran down my cheeks. So many emotions were flowing through me as the blonde smiled showing her crooked white teeth. "They didn't even have a chance to start the surgery before the nurse made her mistake known. Please understand she was immediately fired for that surgery would have killed the baby." Baby, there's a baby.
"W-where is she?" My voice barely made it out.
"Twelfth floor, room 203." Nothing was making sense to me, my mind wasn't putting two and two together. The floor numbers went by before I was let out into a pink and blue lobby with giant pictures of infants. "Can we help you sir?" a nurse asked as she was passing along in front of me.
"203 where is 203?" she quickly led me down another hall filled with more pictures of infants. "Thank you." I gushed as I pushed the door open. Toni laid there color now under her cheeks, blonde hair pulled to one side. Her shirt was pushed up to expose her smooth stomach. Her eyes were closed as the doctor pushed the machine around on her stomach. Soon the sound of a heart fluttered into the room. I dropped to my knees, a baby, we were having a baby.
"Mr. Hood we are so sorry for this horrible mistake." I couldn't respond, the new doctor searched my face. "Would you like to see your child?" she whispered her eyes warm. The screen was pushed so I could see. My eyes scanned the screen the thing inside of her was no bigger than a grapefruit as it rocked back and forth. "That's yours, she's 10 weeks."
"She won't be happy." I whispered looking towards Toni. "She won't be happy at all."
The lady patted my shoulder. "She will be grateful to be cancer free." Those words sounded like something only an angel could say. All the weight that I had been carrying for the past two days flew off of me, my lungs opened up and once more I cried.
I stepped out into the hallway just in time to find all of our close friends running towards. "What the hell is going on?" Harry and Allison snapped in unison.
"She doesn't have cancer." I whispered starring past them, a bright smile on my face. "The nurse, she mixed up tests, she doesn't have cancer!"
"Then why are we here?!" Michael asked quickly.
A large smile spread across my face. "She's pregnant." Gasps filled around me as arms began hugging and patting me. I felt like I was on cloud nine.

*Toni's pov*
There were too many voices around me, all of them sounded jumbled together. I wished they would shush so I could sleep some more. My stomach grumbled, when was the nurse coming with my damn food.
Something warm touched my cheek, then my lips, then back up to my ear. "Wake up my love, I miss you." The familiar voice sang. Was it Harry? Did he come to see me before he left for another tour? My eyes came open to see plump lips.
"Calum" I groaned as the lips formed a smile.
"Good morning sunshine." The room was fogging as more figures came into my view.
"Allison you're tan." I couldn't stop the giggles as she smiled from the foot of my bed. "What are you guys doing here?" Then I remembered. "Oh" my voice cracked as I looked up to Calum. "How did the surgery go?" I whispered searching his face. He still had that beautiful smile that I adored.
"There was no surgery." He took my hand and raised it to his lips. "They got your test mixed up with someone else."
"Then why was I bleeding?" I whispered confused.
"You're pregnant." I looked up at the man I loved, the room was spinning around him. No, I couldn't be. My hands quickly went down to my stomach, a large lump had already formed. I cried out as Calum's hand joined mine. "A baby." He whispered against my temple.
"A baby." I repeated. A little Calum running around, I smiled until anger began to build up inside me. "a baby." I repeated venom on my tongue. "What about our future, our plans. I wasn't expecting it this soon, I needed time, I'm not ready."
"The one's above must think you are ready." He whispered before kissing my temple. "You can do this, we believe in you."
"I wanna go home." I cried, he took me into his arms as everyone began to leave the large pink room. "I don't want this."
"I know." He soothed. "It is what was handed to us so we have to take it."
"Just don't leave me alone." I whispered. He nodded as he ran a hand over the lump, I felt him smile against my hair as he whispered a baby one more time.

**** i hate babies so im surprised i took it this direction." ****

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