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jungkook was walking down the busy streets of seoul. the college wasn't that far away from the station, so he decided just to walk there, and enjoy the nice weather.

jungkook had a camera hanging around his neck. as he walked, he saw an old couple sitting on a bench under a pretty tree. jungkook thought that the view was so beautiful. it was filled with so many different colours of autumn. it gave jungkook a warm feeling inside of him. he took his camera, and put it on his face. he watched the couple through the lens, and couldn't hold back a smile. then he snapped a picture. he continued his way to his new college peacefully. his new home.

after 30 minutes of walking, jungkook was in front of the gates of the school. he felt so many different emotions. happiness, anxiety, scariness. but one emotion pushed through all of them. excitement. the will to try something new. so, jungkook took the step. he stepped inside the gates. he suddenly felt this confidence rise up inside of him. he was happy to be there.



"jeon jungkook."

the nice lady behind the counter gave jungkook some papers which had some information about the school, and a key.

"your room's number is 103. it's a room for two, you share it with a boy named jung hoseok."

"okay, thank you so much." jungkook bowed to the lady.

"your room is on the second floor, there are stairs on your right" the lady said and smiled.

"thank you." jungkook gave the lady a last smile, and then left to go to his dorm.

the school was so big. there wasn't many people to be seen, because it was sunday. jungkook lifted his suitcase, and climbed the stairs to the second floor. he started walking the aisle, and looked at the numbers of the doors. 99, 100, 101, 102... then he saw his door. 103.

he opened the door with the key he got earlier, and stepped inside of the dorm. he closed the door and took his shoes and jacket off. jungkook lifted his head and sighed in surprise when he gave the room his first glance. it was bigger than he had expected. there were two beds, the other side of the room was filled with different stuff and he also noticed a few pictures on the wall, and the other side was clean and empty. jungkook guessed that the empty side was his side.

he put his suitcase on the bed. he watched the dorm through, and his roommate wasn't home. he threw himself on the bed. he snuzzled his head into the comfy pillow.

he smiled at himself. he couldn't believe that he was actually here. in seoul, alone, starting a new life by himself. he loved the feeling of that. he was so happy to have a new start, after everything that had happened.

jungkook took all of his clothes out of his big suitcase, and put them inside of his drawer. he watched what time it was. 4.39pm. he decided to take a quick shower.

he went to the bathroom and locked the door, out of instinct. he stepped inside the shower, and turned the water on.

"shit, i forgot all my washing stuff!" jungkook cursed at himself. he saw that there were shampoos and shower gels on the stand. he guessed that they belonged to his new roommate.

"i guess that he doesn't mind if i borrow them" jungkook said quietly.

when jungkook was ready washing, he stepped out of the shower to the cold tiles, and started to dry himself with the towel. he rubbed his head aggressively with it, so hard that it almost hurt his head. he chuckled at his reflection as he looked in the mirror.

he put the towel on his waist, and stepped out of the bathroom.


jungkook almost had a heart attack when he saw a guy standing in front of him. jungkook's screaming made the other boy let out a small shout too.

"who are you?" jungkook asked his heart beating rapidly.

"i'm hoseok, who are you?" the boy said, looking as shocked as jungkook himself.

jungkook released a breathe he didn't know he was keeping, as he realized that he must be his roommate.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry, my name is j-jeon jungkook, i'm your new roommate" jungkook cursed himself for stuttering.

"oh" hoseok said as he relaxed after hearing that. "they didn't tell me that you're coming today, i'm sorry."

"yeah, well i did. you fucking scared me!" jungkook shouted and hoseok laughed.

"yeah, sorry about that" hoseok said and smiled at jungkook. jungkook sighed, and went to get clean clothes from his drawer. he went to the bathroom to change.

fuck, that was so embarrassing.

when jungkook had changed his clothes, he came out of the bathroom and walked to his bed. he saw hoseok laying on his own bed, using his phone. jungkook quietly sat on his bed, watching hoseok. the boy had raven hair, which was beautifully curled a bit. he had a very nice skin. jungkook had to admit that this hoseok was very attractive.

"like what you see?" hoseok asked and smirked jokingly at jungkook as he breaked jungkook's daydreaming. jungkook couldn't help but to blush at that comment.

"oh shut up" he said and went to lay on his bed.

hoseok put his phone on his night stand and sighed.

"so jungkook, how old are you?" hoseok asked and turned his gaze at jungkook.

"i'm 17."

"i knew that i'm older" hoseok said and smirked. jungkook rolled his eyes.

"how old are you then?" jungkook asked hoseok.

"i'm 19." hoseok said. jungkook smiled. he actually liked to be the younger one. he is the youngest one in his family, and he is so used to being the youngest one.

"i'm turning 18 soon tho" jungkook said.

hoseok and jungkook started to talk about all kinds of stuff. they came along actually pretty well. hoseok told jungkook that he moved here from gwangju two weeks ago. he's already settled in pretty well, because he had a few friends already here, who helped him to settle in.

"are you scared jungkook?" hoseok suddenly asked, making jungkook give him a confused look.

"of what?" jungkook asked.

"i just... it must be pretty scary to start a new life in a completely new place, where you don't know anyone" hoseok explained.

jungkook thought about that for a moment. he had so many different emotions about this, and he wasn't sure how to answer.

"of course i am scared. but i like to take risks. i like to do things that may seem scary. like this. i really wanted to come here, but the scariness almost got in the way. i'm so happy that i took the step, and decided to move here" jungkook told hoseok.

hoseok was impressed by this. hoseok knew that this boy was something different. he already saw that the boy had so much feelings inside of him, and hoseok thought that it was so beautiful.

"i'm so glad to hear that" hoseok said. he locked eyes with the younger, and smiled at him.

"hyung, could you maybe show me around the school? it's so big and i know nothing about it" jungkook said and hoseok giggled.

"of course i can!" hoseok said and stood up from the bed. he walked next to jungkook's bed, and gave jungkook grabby hands.

jungkook laughed and rolled his eyes. "seriously? i can get up myself."

"just take my hands" hoseok said. jungkook took a tight grip on hoseok's hand, and hoseok lifted jungkook off the bed. jungkook couldn't help but to laugh. what a dork, he thought.

they went to the door, and put on their shoes.

"let's go" hoseok said.

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