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jungkook woke up to a loud beeping. he groaned and turned around to set his alarm clock off.

he buried his face onto his hands. he was so tired. he didn't have to wake up this early all summer.

6.55am. oh how i missed these monday mornings.

it was jungkook's first actual day here. his classes started today. hoseok had yesterday showed him the school around, and after that they went to get coffee. jungkook had been nervous about this roommate thing, but he's very glad that hoseok happened to be his roommate.

"good morning" hoseok said, and jungkook jumped a little. hoseok laughed at this.

"good morning, hyung. did i wake you up?" jungkook said.

"i had to get up anyways" hoseok said and sat up.

jungkook got up from the bed, and went to have a quick shower. when he was done, he came out to his drawer.

what he saw, was very interesting.

hoseok was changing his clothes. he was only wearing his underwear, putting his jeans on.

jungkook tried not to stare, but it was very hard, because hoseok was very good-looking.

his skin was perfectly tanned. his arms were very beautiful. they looked so smooth, and a bit muscular too.  jungkook caught himself staring again, and quickly turned his head away, a blush creeping up his face.

jungkook opened his drawer, and was looking for something to wear. he quickly slipped on some underwear keeping the towel on, because he wasn't that confident that he could already change in front of his hyung.

he took out a pair of basic black ripped jeans, and a black sweater. he liked wearing black. it went well with everything.

jungkook put them on, and then went to their own little kitchen. hoseok was already doing something on the pan.

"do you want eggs?" hoseok asked.

"sure, thanks hyung" jungkook said.

"no problem."

jungkook sat on the table and took his phone out. he had received two messages from his friend.


jungkookieee did you arrive? how's the school?

what about your roommate, is he nice? good luck bro.

jungkook quickly typed an answer.


thanks yug, it's very nice. my roommate is so nice too. he's cooking breakfast or us!! my first class starts at 8.

"here." hoseok said as he gave jungkook a plate of eggs and a toast. jungkook put his phone away and took the plate.

he thanked hoseok and started to eat the food immediatly.

"woah, this is so good hyung!" jungkook said as he wolfed the food down. hoseok laughed at this and jungkook got a little embarrassed.

"thanks jungkook."

the boys ate, and noticed that it was already 7.40am.

"we better get going. do you drink coffee?" hoseok asked. jungkook nodded.

"the school offers a cup of coffee for free before 7.55am. let's go so we won't be late" hoseok said and jungkook immediatly got up and went to his bed. he took his backpack, and his phone.

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