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jungkook kicked the ground, making small rocks fly in front of him. there were dust on his black shoes.

"it's gonna be just fine" hoseok said and took jungkook's hand in his, and started swinging them around. "just think about how fun it can be! you're best friends, right? i'm sure you miss him."

jungkook took a deep breathe and smiled shyly. "you're right, it's going to go fine" he said and swung his arms with hoseok. "and if it goes bad, well, then it goes."

"you're right. if it goes bad, i can cry with you and smother you with kisses" hoseok said, pecking jungkook's forehead.

"oh my god" jungkook said and pushed him away playfully. "you're so cheesy."

"do you want me to stop then?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"i mean, no..." he said quietly.

hoseok giggled at the boy. "cute."


both of them turned around, meeting a tall boy with dark hair.

"yug!" jungkook said with big eyes and walked closer to the boy. yugyeom opened his arms for jungkook, jungkook gladly hugging him.

"haven't seen you in ages" yugyeom said as they pulled away.

"yeah, i'm sorry i haven't visited busan or anything" he said.

"it's okay" yugyeom said. then his gaze turned to look at hoseok.

"hey" he said, shaking hands with hoseok. "are you hoseok?"

"hi, yes. hoseok" he said and let out a small smile. yugyeom's gaze switched between the two boys, trying to figure something out, but not wanting to ask anything.

"so...let's grab some coffee?" jungkook asked.

"sure" yugyeom said.

the boys walked into a near cafe, and ordered drinks. they went to sit in a table, hoseok and jungkook on the same side with yugyeom in front of them.

"so, how's seoul?" yugyeom started.

a small smile plastered on jungkook's face. "seoul's... nice. i like it."

"that's great to hear."

the astmophere was a little awkward, but hoseok kept the conversation going, asking about yugyeom's childhood and about his and jungkook's history.

"that's so funny!" hoseok laughed at a story yugyeom was telling about. jungkook tried to smile through it, but something was bothering him a little.

"hey yugyeom" he said.


"i was just wondering, like, are we okay? because after i moved you weren't as talkative as before and seemed to ignore me a lot, i mean it's okay but i was just thinking" he said, fiddling his fingers under the table.

hoseok noticed a weird look forming on yugyeom's face, but as soon as it appeared he covered it up with a smile.

"yeah, we're cool" he said.

"are you sure? did i do something?" jungkook asked.

"jungkook, let's not talk about it. we're okay."

"but i surely did something to you for you to act like i just disappeared from the whole earth after being best friends for years?"

the smile on yugyeom's face left his face now. "what?" he said. "you're the one who left me!"

jungkook's face when blank. "huh?"

"we were best friends jungkook, and then /you/ disappeared out of my life. we had planned moving together since we were kids, and then you left for seoul!" he spoke loudly, gaining attention from the tables next to them.

"yugyeom, i'm so sorry, i didn't know that you felt that way" jungkook said. he felt hoseok putting his hand on top of his under the table.

"but you know that this school is a great opportinity for me, and everything that happened with...jimin, it was best for me to leave."

"yeah, i know. i'm sorry" he said and got up.

"yug, wait" jungkook said but the boy had already left.

jungkook just stared at the empty seat in front of him, tears starting to fall from his eyes.

"hey, buttercup..." hoseok said as he put his arm around his shoulders. jungkook leaned himself onto hoseok.

"it's always my fault..." jungkook said quietly.

"it's not your fault."

"but it feels like it is."

"i know." he said, caressing jungkook's arm. "but it isn't, okay? not your fault."


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