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jungkook had just stepped out of the shower, he's ruffling his hair in front of the mirror. he still hadn't bought his own shampoo, he'd just been using hoseok's for this whole time living together.

he got out of the bathroom to put on some clean clothes. he just decided to go for some chill clothes, because they weren't going to leave the dorm anyway.

he walked to their small kitchen, seeing hoseok pouring candies into a big bowl. jungkook walked next to him and took one of the candies from the bowl. hoseok gave him a nasty look after that and slapped his ass.

"ow!" jungkook said loudly and laughed.

"that's what you get. don't eat them yet" hoseok said.

"alright, alright."

"what time is it?" hoseok asked.

jungkook took his phone out of his pocket, checking the time. "it's 5.54pm."

"oh, they're gonna be here soon!" hoseok said, and took the bowl of candy and put it on the floor next to the tv. jungkook took the other bowls that hoseok had prepared there too.

soon, there was a knock on their door. jungkook jogged to the door and opened it.

"hi!" taehyung shouted and threw himself on jungkook. "i missed you!" he said, hugging jungkook tightly. jungkook smiled shyly and hugged the boy back, patting his back.

"i missed you too, taehyung. come on in now" he said, letting go of the boy.

taehyung stepped in, yoongi coming after him.

"oh hey yoongi hyung" jungkook said.

"hi kookie" yoongi said, flashing him a small smile.

the two boys weren't even done getting their shoes off until another knock was heard on the door. taehyung opened the door, seeing jaebum and jinyoung standing behind it, with bottles of lemonade on their hands.

"oh my god thank you, i forgot to buy something to drink" hoseok said, taking the bottles out of their hands.

"well hello to you too" jinyoung said, stepping in with jaebum.

"welcome jinyoung and jaebum hyung, don't mind the small mess" jungkook said.

"don't worry about it, our dorm is much messier" jinyoung said to the younger boy.

soon the friends were sitting on the floor next to the tv, choosing a movie to watch. they had ordered some pizza a while back and they were waiting for it to arrive.

"what about this one?" taehyung said.

"are you serious?" hoseok said, after seeing taehyung's suggestion, mean girls. taehyung looked serious.

"um, yeah? it's a good movie! right guys?" he said, the others looking at him and couldn't stop the laughs that escaped them.

"that's the shittiest movie i've ever seen" yoongi said.

"you've seen it?" jinyoung asked with a shocked face, making yoongi chuckle.

"great, time to get new friends" taehyung said.

"i think it's good" jungkook said.

"see? finally someone with common sense" taehyung said while shaking his head.

there was a knock on the door, making them turn their heads at the same time.

"yes, finally the pizza's here" jungkook said. he got up and went to open the door.

when he opened the door, he was surprised. he saw yugyeom standing behind the door.

jungkook couldn't get words out for a second, just staring at yugyeom.

"what- yug- what are you doing here?" he asked, smiling and pulling the other boy in a hug.

"hi jungkookie" he said, hugging the other boy. "hoseok invited me."

jungkook turned around to look at hoseok. "really?"

hoseok chuckled. "yeah, i did."

jungkook had the biggest smile on his face. he let the other boy come in, welcoming him and showing him around their small dorm quickly.

now they all were sitting down next to the tv, eating snacks together. yugyeom got to know jungkook's new friends.

after a while of arguing about what movie to watch, taehyung got his will through and they were watching mean girls. now even taehyung admitted that the movie was not good, but they still had a lot of fun watching it.

"we're literally seven dudes watching mean girls together on a friday evening" yoongi said, making the others laugh. "what has my life come into."

jungkook was so happy, seeing all his best friends, sitting together on their dorm floor. his new friends, and his old friend that he had known for years. the room was filled with warm voices and laughs. he couldn't hold back a smile.

he let his head drop onto hoseok's shoulder, watching the movie with a smile on his face. he felt hoseok giving a kiss on top of his head, and his fingers sliding through his hair.

if someone had told him a year ago that his life would be like this now, he wouldn't have believed it. this was way beyond his expectations. when he thought about his life a year ago, he felt like he was a whole new person.

he came to the solution that this, moving to seoul, was the best change he could've done.

it truly was a fresh start. a fresh start for his life. a fresh start to become a better person. becoming happy.

                            the end.

                            the end

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