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"hey, wake up. we're almost there."

jungkook opened his eyes. they were still on the train. he saw hoseok sitting next to him, flashing him a smile. jungkook grunted and stretched his arms.

"you slept tight" hoseok said.

"i did? i guess" jungkook said. he let his head drop onto hoseok's shoulder, hoseok doing the same.

"i'm sorry this trip didn't go as planned" hoseok said.


"i'm sure he'll come around, you're best friends after all."

"i hope so."

soon the train stopped in seoul, and a flood of people worked their way out of the train. jungkook and hoseok took their bags, and left the train.

there were so many people that jungkook almost lost hoseok out of his sight. he reached forward and took a hold of hoseok's sleeve. to his surprise, hoseok took a hold of jungkook's hand and started leading him through the mass of people. a small smile appeared on his face at this action. he didn't need to be scared in the mass of people. he had hoseok.

soon after they had taken a bus, the boys were back at their dorm. jungkook dropped his backpack onto the floor and blopped onto his bed, a grunt leaving his mouth. hoseok laughed a bit at the other boy.

hoseok walked next to jungkook and patted his head, sliding his fingers through his hair.

"are you tired?" he asked the younger boy.

"yeah, a bit" jungkook answered.

hoseok smiled. "just slept on the train and feeling tired again."

not long after that, the boy had fallen asleep again. maybe he was still a bit exhausted about what had happened before. he hated arguing with people, especially with someone he was close to. it made him sad and confused, so he just wanted to sleep it away.

jungkook dreamt about his life back in busan, when he was still hanging out a lot with yugyeom. they were singing together and smiling. the dream brought back nice memories, making jungkook feel better.


oh no oh no...

jungkook looked at his phone and saw the caller ID. it was yugyeom. he looked around him and saw that there wasn't anyone else on the hallway, he was sitting alone on a bench.

he felt nervous. but he realized that after all, he was still his best friend. they had known for so many years, why was he nervous?

jungkook took a deep breathe before accepting the call and lifted the phone next to his ear.

"hey" he said, trying to sound confident and normal but he's pretty sure that his breath was shaking and that the other one could hear it.

"hi, jungkook" he heard yugyeom saying. "could you maybe talk?" he asked.

jungkook could feel his heart beat a little faster than normal. he was already bad at speaking on the phone, and now he needed to talk serious stuff.

"of course, what's up yug?"

"so... about the other day" he started. a silence fell upon the line for a few seconds. jungkook was waiting for him to start talking again.

"look, i'm sorry. i didn't mean what i said to you" he said.

"really?" jungkook said quietly. "maybe you're just saying that because you feel bad."

"no, jungkook. at first, i did feel bad about you leaving me. i kinda felt betrayed, even though i know i shouldn't have. it was stupid. but our feelings aren't always so smart, right?" he heard him saying and chuckling quietly.

"but you did nothing wrong. i'm glad about your decision to go to seoul. i'm glad that you're doing what's best for you and so you should" he said.

jungkook nodded, being aware that yugyeom wouldn't see it but it was just a habit of his.

"to be honest, i think that i was just jealous" he said. "jealous because i'm not brave enough to do something like that even if i wanted to."

the smallest smile took over jungkook's face. "of course you're brave enough to do something like this. you just need to believe in yourself" jungkook said.

jungkook heard yugyeom hum. "yeah, maybe you're right."

"i'm glad." jungkook said.

"about what?" yugyeom asked.

"about what you said. that did make me feel better" jungkook said.

"yeah, well it's just the truth" yugyeom said.

"so...we're good now?" jungkook asked.

"i should be the one to ask that but of course we are. how could i ever stay mad at you? dumbass" yugyeom said, making jungkook laugh at the other end.

yugyeom's intention to call jungkook was just to clear things up with him, but they just kept on talking. they didn't even realize how time flied, and soon it had already been almost 2 hours. they hadn't talked in so long, and jungkook had missed his best friend.

yugyeom told about stuff he had been up to and also about his plans for the future. jungkook told something about his life at seoul and a bit of hoseok too.

he was so glad that they were okay now.


um hi y'all lol

so we all know that this story is a trainwreck at this point but y'all have been asking for this so i decided to finish this story. here's a bit about yug's and kookie's relationship!

see you on the next chap, the story is coming to it's end :')

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