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jungkook went to his day's last class. he entered the classroom, and went to sit at the back, on the right side of the classroom.

history. oh how he hated history.

jungkook buried his face on his hands, as the class started. the teacher started talking about something that jungkook had no idea about. he totally wasn't in the mood for studying.

jungkook felt really sleepy, and slowly closed his eyes.

jungkook was woken from his small nap by a familiar raven haired boy clashing to class.

"sorry for being late, mrs. kim" hoseok said and went sitting on the only empty chair on the left side of the classroom.

the teacher started to preach about being late to class, how it would affect our studying and something stupid shit. jungkook palmed his head with his fingers.

this is seriously giving me a headache.

jungkook took his notebook and started drawing. his drawing skills had improved a lot by the years, as he always drawed in class. he started drawing an eye. he worked on it for a solid 5 minutes, and even in that time it turned out really good.

jungkook felt like someone was staring at him. he looked to his left, and noticed hoseok looking at him, now straight in the eyes. hoseok didn't move his gaze away, and neither did jungkook. he didn't want to.

a smile grew on hoseok's face, and he finally looked away. jungkook saw hoseok taking his phone, and typing something on it fast.

to jungkook's surprise, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. he quickly looked at hoseok and he saw him smirking. jungkook rolled his eyes and took his phone out of his pocket.


i'm so boreeeed~


oh sameee


and i'm hungry

fucking again

like i just ate





"mr. jung, put your phone away right now!" the teacher shouted making jungkook jump a little.

"geez, okay" hoseok said and put his phone in his pocket.

jungkook couldn't help but to burst out laughing.

"is something funny, mr. jeon?" the teacher asked and jungkook shaked his head, and then buried his face in his hands. the teacher ignored them for the rest of the class, and then the class came to an end. everyone left the class quickly, and hoseok and jungkook were the last ones to leave the classroom.

"ah, my last class of the week" jungkook said in satisfaction.

"wait really?" hoseok said.

"yeah, i have fridays off in this period" jungkook said and hoseok shrugged.

"lucky you."

jungkook and hoseok walked together to their dorm.

"are you doing something today?" hoseok asked jungkook.

"uhh, no" jungkook said and plopped on his bed.

"mmkay" hoseok said and went to lay on his bed too.

"by the way, do you like parties?" hoseok asked.

"um, not really."

"aw, why not?"

"i mean, they're okay sometimes but usually they're just full of sweaty people and it lowkey makes me anxious."

"ok i get it, but" hoseok said and watched jungkook in the eyes. "there's a party tomorrow evening at all the athlete dudes' shared house. wanna come with us?"

"by us you mean?"

"me, yoongi-hyung, taehyung, jaebum and jinyoung" hoseok said.

"ahhh" jungkook grunted and buried his face in his hands. hoseok just laughed. "is that a yes?."

"fine" jungkook said and hoseok started cheering.

"thanks kookie~" hoseok said and jungkook let himself grin.


i'm sorry this is extremely boring

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