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jungkook opened his eyes. they had been on the train for over 2 hours. they had chatted about some random stuff. jungkook told hoseok about his mother, and how he was sure that she would like him.

"i guess it runs on the 'jeon' blood, then" hoseok had said.

"oh, what does?"

"liking me."

jungkook had blushed madly, but couldn't say anything back because he knew that hoseok was right.

"good afternoon, little one" hoseok said as jungkook lazily looked around him, the train shaking a little as they moved closer and closer to their destination.

"hi" jungkook said and stretched his arms. he yawned, and closed his eyes again.

"don't sleep anymore kookie, you won't get any sleep at night if you do" hoseok said, jungkook groaning and opening his eyes.

"you're right" he said. "i'm just so tired."

"yeah i know. but we're soon there" hoseok told.

after a while, the train informed that they had arrived to busan station. hoseok and jungkook took their bags, and left the train.

jungkook couldn't help but to lift his mask and breathe in the cool air. maybe it's just his thoughts but he felt like the air in busan felt and smelled different. he had missed it.

the boys took a bus that jungkook said brought close to his house. hoseok felt a little nervous, but seeing jungkook sitting so happily next to him, made him loose up.

"hey" hoseok said, and took a hold of jungkook's chin. he slowly connected their lips, kissing the younger boy softly. he pulled away and smiled.

"are you nervous?" hoseok asked.

"not really. are you?"


jungkook chuckled. "you don't need to be nervous. my mom is a little, uh, excited i would say, but i'm sure she's going to love you" jungkook told.


soon the boys hopped out of the bus, thanking the busdriver. hoseok was a little surprised when he felt jungkook's hand take a grip of his, but a smile took over his face and he squeezed jungkook's hand.

they walked into a neighbourhood which looked very calm.

"my house is over there."

jungkook pointed at a semi big looking house, it looked like it had two floors and the yard was beautiful.

"my mom likes flowers and gardens and all that" jungkook explained. hoseok hummed.

"do you?" hoseok asked.


"do you like flowers?"

"of course i do" jungkook said, a smile taking over his face.

soon the boys were in front of jungkook's front door. jungkook let go of hoseok's hand and knocked firmly on the door.

they could hear footsteps coming closer, until a black haired woman, which looked a lot like jungkook, came to open the door.

her eyes widened, and she just stood at the door in shock, until letting out a high pitched weird voice which hoseok couldn't even describe and hugged jungkook.

"jungkookie! baby i missed you so much" her mom said as she hugged him tight.

"yeah, yeah, i missed you too mom" jungkook said and patted her back.

hoseok couldn't help but to laugh. he already felt so much more relaxed after seeing how much jungkook's mom loves him.

"and who is this?" his mom asked as she pulled away from the boy.

hoseok started to feel a little nervous again, looking at her in the eyes and then at jungkook. he thought that jungkook had told her about him and them coming today.

"this is jung hoseok" jungkook said. "my- uh, my roommate" he said, hoseok stepping closer to her and lifted his hand for a handshake, but her mom hugged him instead.

"my baby has a new friend" she said as they hugged. jungkook watched the two in awe and hoseok laughed.

"come on boys, come inside! it's almost dinner time!" she cheered and went inside, the boys following her.

they took off their shoes and jungkook showed hoseok where to put his jacket.

"let's go take our bags to my room" jungkook said.

"okay." hoseok answered with a smile.

hoseok followed jungkook upstairs, and jungkook opened a door to a room, which looked exactly the same as jungkook had rememberd.

"just put your stuff anywhere you want" jungkook said, dropping his bags on the floor.

hoseok entered the room, looking around. there was an empty dress rack, a big closet, jungkook's bed and a fluffy rug. hoseok loved how it felt on his feet.

hoseok looked at the right wall of the room. there were many beautiful pictures. most of them were just pictures of the nature, but he saw a few pictures which had people in them.

one of them caught his eyes. there were jungkook and some other boy. the boy had blonde hair, and they looked really happy.

"who's this?" hoseok asked. jungkook came next to him and hoseok pointed to the picture.

"oh. that's jimin" jungkook said, before grabbing the picture off the wall, and throwing it on his trash can on the corner of his room.

"sorry" hoseok said.

"it's not your fault, hoseok" jungkook said. "now let's go downstairs, dinner is ready, okay?" jungkook said, flashing a smile.


jungkook's mom was nice. they had dinner together and talked about their life in uni. they told her about taehyung, yoongi, jinyoung and jaebum. she was happy that jungkook had gotten new friends.

jungkook and hoseok were laying on jungkook's bed in his dark room. they were watching anime from jungkook's laptop. they were laying side by side, their legs tangled together.

"should i dye my hair pink too?" jungkook asked.

"if you want to" hoseok said, chuckling. "remember to put on antennas too."

"right" jungkook said, his head falling on top of hoseok's arms.

jungkook watched hoseok's focused face. the light from the laptop shined on hoseok's face. it made him look so pretty with his hair falling on his forehead.

hoseok noticed that jungkook was staring at him, and moved his gaze towards him.

"what?" he asked.

"nothing" jungkook said, now focusing on the show playing in front of them. "you're just so pretty."

hoseok looked back at jungkook. he took a hold of his chin, and moved his face closer to him. he softly pressed their faces together, feeling the youngers soft lips on his.

hoseok could taste jungkook's lip balm. it tasted like strawberry. in these few weeks of knowing the boy, he has grown addicted to his lips. they were perfect against his own.

the kiss was so sweet, so tender. it made jungkook feel butterflies in his stomach, he could say the feeling was marvellous.

hoseok pulled away from the younger, keeping the eye contact. he pushed away few hairs from his face, so that he could see his eyes better.

"no, you're pretty."

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