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hoseok looked at taehyung straight in the eyes, then at yoongi, searching for a clue if they were just joking, being all that 'just a prank bro' thing. but their eyes looked serious as hell.

"yup" taehyung said, breaking the silence which felt like it would last forever. taehyung could feel yoongi's hand starting to shake in his hand, so he squeezed it.

"wait are you for real?" hoseok asked, a smile finally taking over his face, eyes sparkling.

"no it was all just a prank haha lol" yoongi said, making taehyung smack his arm. "yes, for real."

"oh my god!" hoseok said, looking at the two. "finally! literally everyone saw that you would be a thing." hoseok cheered for the two boys, making taehyung laugh, and yoongi's face turning red.

"that's amazing" jungkook said, smiling at the boys. "congrats!"

"thanks." taehyung said, smiling at the two boys in front of them. yoongi squeezed taehyung's hand, flashing him a smile. they looked happy.

"i'm happy for you, no jokes." hoseok said to the boys. "for how long have you actually been together?"

"um.." yoongi started, chuckling nervously. "...4 months?"

hoseok gasped, his eyes widening. "4 months!?"

"don't be mad, okay? we were just... i don't know, scared" taehyung said.

"of course i'm not mad, i totally get it. but...just know that you can always trust me with stuff like this" hoseok said, looking at the two boys in the eyes.

"yeah, we know. thanks hobi" taehyung said. "you're a great friend for us. and you too jungkook."

a smile immediatly took over jungkook's face, and he could feel happiness building up inside of him.

"you're kind of eh but thanks anyways" jungkook said while doing a hair flip with his imaginary long hair, taehyung laughing loudly.

"i feel so honoured" taehyung said while leaning back into his chair.

"okay enough of this lovey dovey chatting." yoongi said, making the others laugh.

they hung out in the cafe for a long time, talking with each other of who knows what and having a nice time. it felt nice to spend a day like this together, they haven't done it in a long time.

jungkook felt happy. he felt so much more relaxed after moving to seoul. he has gotten to know these amazing people who treat him well.

after the long day of hanging out with each other, the boys went back to their dorms. hoseok plopped down onto his bed after taking off his shoes, letting out a big groan.

"my legs hurt so much!" he whined. jungkook giggled and jumped on the bed next to him, half on top of him. hoseok let out a huff but soon was smiling with the younger boy.

"i'm sorry to hear that, but now i need kisses" jungkook said with a big smile on his face, making hoseok's heart flutter.

"oh trust me, you get that" hoseok said as he took a grip of jungkook's shirt, pulling him on top of him, connecting their lips together. hoseok loved the feeling of jungkook's weight laying on top of him. he loved the way jungkook's fingers fit into his hair. he loved the way jungkook's lips felt onto his.

for the next hour the two young boys were laying on hoseok's bed, giggling, cuddling and giving each other soft, little kisses.

jungkook couldn't even describe how he felt around hoseok. he was so whipped for the boy, he didn't even realize. the boy made him feel so happy and loved, after everything that has happened.

"fuck" jungkook swore while letting out a small chuckle. he wiped away a tear streaming down his cheek. hoseok swifted closer to jungkook, and brought his face closer to the boy. he slowly kissed his tears away.

"is something wrong?" he asked the boy while he was softly stroking his right cheek.

"no." jungkook said with a smile, pecking hoseok's lips. "everything is so fine."

"good." hoseok said, still stroking jungkook's face. he brought his thumb to his lips, feeling them. they were so beautiful. the light shade of pink was so pretty on them. his lips felt so soft under his touch.

hoseok slowly leaned in again, slowly closing his eyes and swifting towards him, pushing his lips onto jungkook's ever so softly. jungkook could feel the care in hoseok's touch, it made him feel so warm and safe. the warm, soft lips against his own, sparkles inside of him.

"do you have any plans for the vacation?" hoseok asked the brown haired boy.

"yes actually, i'm going to busan to see my mom." jungkook said.

"aw, i'm going to miss you" hoseok said, ruffling the boy's hair, making him scrunch his nose cutely.

"i mean... you can come with me if you want" jungkook said shyly.

"are you serious?"

"yeah, i mean only if you want to, of course you don't have to but-"

"of course i want to come with you" hoseok said. "you're cute when you start trembling by the way" hoseok said, booping jungkook's nose, making jungkook blush.


"do you have any friends in busan?" hoseok asked.

"i mean, my best friend yugyeom, but we haven't really talked lately. i hope it's not because i moved away." jungkook sighed.

"i don't think so, kookie" hoseok said, hugging him closer to him. "maybe you should try to message him."

"i tried the other day, but he hasn't responded. i don't know what's wrong" he said.

"we can go meet him in busan and solve it, okay?"

jungkook smiled. "okay."

"when are we leaving?" hoseok asked.

"is tomorrow okay?"

"tomorrow is fine."

after a while the boys fell asleep on hoseok's bed, embracing each other, legs tangled together, excited for tomorrow.

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